We’ll bring you the updated look of the PC section soon. It’s nearly done.
We’ll bring you the updated look of the PC section soon. It’s nearly done.
I’ve looked at this, left it, and looked again. I’m trying to imagine how I’d deal with the new turns in an FTF! Generally I think it’s great, and I actually like the full map. Economy stuff is also good, it’s just the length and the grouping of information that’s troubling. I’ll be interested in further versions and give more detailed feedback then.
David, new is also not good by definition. The decision was made here a long time ago. To much time effort and money expended to say ‘stop’ or ‘swerve’ now. This is an after-the-fact pretend pony show. You don’t need to spend 40 years in various bureaucracies to see that.
What gets my goat, mostly, is six years ago I saw this coming and predicted it-- generally. Lots of huffing and puffing, aggrieved denials and threats were thrown my way. Perhaps that is why I win some of my games. I can predict what some people will do before it even enters their head.
New, I agree, is not necessarily better. We’re trying to improve the product. We’ll fit what we perceive the market to be. As someone brought up earlier, the game looks old, reason being it IS old, and that reduces that chance of getting new players into the hobby. Without new blood the game will eventually die off, so I need to look at the future of the game and what I perceive it needs to keep running. I assume you all want the game to be around in 5 years time right?
So we’re trying to get a better game, and that means improved graphics and so on without removing the play element of the game - ie the game will stay the same for those that want that. I’ve taken a lot of the feedback on board and I think we can create an improved product and look.
For those that don’t want to use it, the old format will be available, so I’m not sure what the complaint is? I did a poll before asking players what they want (twice now actually). A small percentage want no change, most players want an updated game (I’ve got a BIG waiting list for Kin Strife for example), or improvements so I’m looking after the game and players’ interests here as best I can. Feedback what you’d like (or don’t like) and I’ll try to incorporate it - as I’ve already done. I respect player’s views to comment negatively, but I hope constructively, and I hope that it’s clear why we’re going this route.
For those that want to take their frustrations out - I’ll be playing in the All Neutral game… I would LOVE to be Ed’s ally in that… and actually ally…
The new format won’t be ready for the FTF. We’re stuck in encounter coding at present (it was coded 15 years ago and so there are much more efficient and useful manners of doing them now) and then some more testing. But it will be ready when we get the code, finally, converted.
Clint (GM)
When this “new code” comes in is when ONB will be fixed in game as well?
No - it’s a code change. I’m running tests at present but with all my other work it’s hard to get the time to look at this. We’ll implement the OBN code change separately.
Clint (GM)
I agree with the too long comments and a bit of reorganizing is good. Love the turn at a glance part.
Things I didn’t see in a quick review of comments deal with printing the document out.
I really appreciate the work your team has put into this. Keep up the good work and trying to improve upon the game.
if the new turn mock up persuades Ed Mills to quit playing, that will be reason to implement it all by itself. Ed, sure in RL u are just peachy but in game you are a cranky, unconstructive, whinging know it all. If you dislike everything Clint & Co do so much then do us a favour and take a hike.
Rox: An observant person would have noticed that Someone never asserted what I was saying was untrue.
Ed, I’ve tried denying your comments before and I found that it made no difference so I’ll leave it at that. :o I think you enjoy griping (I like the odd gripe myself -nothing wrong as such with it, but I prefer constructive criticism that we can work on). I chatted to Stu about this a lot and he claims that you used to have the odd gripe at GSI with Bill & Pete in charge so I guess it’s just an “authority” thing.
I’ll take the feedback that players have about the game and will try to make the best game that I can with that, and my own meagre skills. It won’t please everyone, that’s not possible (change or keeping it the same won’t please everyone) but the market and players dictate that we need to keep up with the rest of the world here or go under in the long term.
The old format of turn will be available, the rules for the game will no doubt develop as needs be (eg OBN and other rulings that have come up where I think they destroy the game, but will limit my interference to the minimum even in such situations) and we will bring out new products and develop innovations for the game, hopefully with the excellent support of our players and their feedback to our suggestions, yet also keep the format for where there are players for such a format. KS will be out eventually, (I hope), Bofa (both beginners and 2v3) and the 5v5 game as well as GB, Grudge 12v12, AllVAll Neutral and other such formats will come and go.
I think you’re just going to have to deal with that I’m afraid (or find us several hundred players who want it the way you want it to be and we’ll run that game for them). No offence at all intended here, it’s the nature of the market that we need to do this.
Have fun guys.
Clint (GM)
Hmm. And YOU didnt assert that what I said was untrue :rolleyes: Now, I am being observant?
Rox, your emotionalism is better reserved for the man who rapes your daughter. You must think Someone is is unable to defend himself, hence your heroics.
Clint: Yes, GSI had some bad business practices—which you do not. For a long time you have been wanting to substitute your judgement for Stassun and Feilds. That is why I am looking forward to the KS. I’m curious as to just how creative you are/
See Bofa - that’s creative. As well as the FTF formats etc.
We’ve run roleplaying games (by post) for many years and created modules for Legends and many other games (run Crack of Doom - a mixed mod for years). Other formats of standard games, including 1000 updates and changes. That’s reasonably creative methinks.
As to will it be enough… well… I don’t know. The players who’ve seen it are very happy it seems. It’s just a matter of getting the code done now before we can launch it.
Clint (GM)
Will one have an option of the old turn format as well? If not I would like some notice as to when it will changed.
The changes look ok and if they attract more people I guess that is a good thing overall for the game. However the current pdf is fine for most hardcore strategy gamers IMO. If one wanted glitz, there is any plenty of that in MMORPG, X-box etc.
For myself personaly making the report longer is a bad thing. There is nothing in the new format makes me a better player, it just looks nicer. I cant imagine what 5-7 pages of popcenters would look like though.
My .02
PC report to come out soon (we’ve busy at present).
As mentioned before you will have access to the old format if that is what you want.
Here’s the latest look for PCs. Please feedback
Quick suggestion: after army battles, along side the estimate of losses (severe etc) would it be possible to also convert the description into a numerical analysis? I also am looking that stuff up and getting the calculator out E.G If my 500HC went up against Mahrcared’s 2000HI and lost, the description would read: “… .Mahrcared’s army took significant losses: we estimate his army to contain between 1100 and 1300 men”
Mike, did Clint give you a PM response on your suggestion?
I still prefer the older format and I dont think the look of the pdf is the issue that resources should be spent on but if generates new players (income) then it is good for the game.
Does a hidden or sieged pop center have a “Y” or “yes” associated with it. I looked at the last example and it seemed the terms were pretty close together. I read the pop center to be sieged and hidden which was not the intent since that’s impossible.
actually you could use the hiding artifact on a pop center after its sieged.