I recall an idea from a previous discussion whereby Commanders had a specialty - presumably they were promoted from a particular troop type. Might even be something you could select upon naming. Troops of the commander’s specialty (or backup’s specialty…) would get some kind of bonus.
Armies with multiple troops types would get increased bonuses (ie, Standard tactics, when actually Selected in the Attack/Defend order would modify strengths of all troops when multiple troop types are present).
Increase troop and terrain bonuses by nation to more impactfully represent differences, etc.
Randomize SNA’s for fun (Cardolan with +20 K/A…? Noldo with Hire for Free…? Yes, this can get dumb…but dumb is fun, look at Prime Time TV…!)
Bonus Capital orders (at say, com10 level…?) from 1-X where X is dependant on the size of the nation (sliding scale based on total population) to represent a powerful bureaucracy or stewardship of some sort (“Take care of This and That when I’m gone…”).
Character movement impacted by terrain.
Low morale armies lose troops to the countryside - High morale armies gain recruits on the march.
10 com is promoted to lead armies when commanders killnapped. Desertion a factor of command rank difference.
Armies disband and a camp loyal to that nation appears within the 7 hexes (in or 6 around). For every 1000 troops disbanded a new camp appears. 1st within the 7 hexes mentioned, the 2nd within 7 hexes of the first, etc.
Characters have Home pops where they get bonuses to their orders (where applicable, of course). They die the loyalty of that pop goes down, etc. They return it goes up, they leave it dips, etc. Characters can name other characters (as per the existing naming rules) in their personal Home pops if not a capital.
Ships can be armoured - doubling their numbers.
Mages get a roll every turn to see if they go completely insane. Spell casting is compounded to increase this chance. What happens when the go insane…? Well, there’s a thread possibility in itself…
I say, they turn into Emissaries… Throw in the increasing chance that using the Teleport spell will simply wink the mage into an alternate timeline (Poof - out of the game. “Celedhring was ordered to cast the Teleport Spell. Celedhring cast the spell and disappeared in a flash of light. He hasn’t been seen or heard from since.”) Oh Oh Oh! Edit! An in a concurrently running game, that character simply appears and is added to the same nation’s pdf (under a different name…!). I guess any arties are dropped on the ground in Game 1 so they’re not duplicated in Game 2…
Commanders get a roll every combat to see if they have a nervous breakdown. Disband (at time of Challenge) would happen, include the 10com take-over rule. Presume the character then 810’s to the capital (or his Home pop…?) and isn’t available for orders until the turn after he arrives, with skills cut in half. Throw in health cut in half for wandering home barefoot and staggering through the elements… Then your mage casts “Heal Anxiety Disorder” spell…and goes insane…oh, this is getting good…
Attacking armies get rolls, based on Subcommander skill, to see if they pull a Trojan Horse when issuing Destroy Pop Centre against a Fortified pop. Pop is destroyed, defending armies routed characters with armies killed.