Player Rating System

I don’t see where being seriously injured by being run over by a bus or dying of an incurable disease or getting hit by lightning should be a reason to drop a game…where are your priorities anyway? also…I think if someone kept telling me to **** *** I’d stay in just to make sure they had a miserable game…am I wrong? I don’t really understand all the excitement…if you don’t like the ratings system then stop looking at them or offer constructive advice to make them better…or if you want just be like me and make fun of everyone getting all red faced over nothing lol…come on people…it’s brand new and I don’t see where it really matters…which one of you will play different in order to get a higher rating? come on now be honest and tell us because if nobody will change how they play what difference could it possibly make if it exists or not? I sense damaged egos…maybe I’m wrong but it sure sounds that way to me <actually my ego is damaged but I’m learning to deal with it> lololololol…ok…no more glue for me tonight

You don’t actually read what people write do you?

I don’t see why anyone would drop due to being insulted, I would stay and try to beat the living daylights out of the offenders, but that may just be me?

In a recent game a team mate of mine dropped, I took over his nation until we found a permanent replacement, wonder if that counts as a drop as well?

Claus (very low on all scores)

yes scorp I’ve been reading…it just seems to be getting a little over the edge <granted my level of sarcasm on this string was greatly influenced by the string I had just read and belonged more appropriately on that string but since everyone is reading the same strings I’ll just leave it here> btw…the ratings system let me know an old friend of mine had come back to playing and if for no reason other then that I’m all for it now lol

on a serious note…I don’t know if you should get slammed for a drop as long as you find a replacement…I’ve never had to drop a game but I can certainly see where that might happen <I still don’t see where dying is an excuse to drop a game though>

You have to lose points for a drop. No exceptions. Exceptions bring subjectivity into it. This is the rule, we all know it ahead of time and we all play by it. You drop, you lose, regardless of the reason. You can’t say “the ratings don’t matter” and “it’s not fair to penalize drops if there’s a good reason” with the same straight face. Poor Clint has enough to deal with, he doesn’t have to be the Drop Judge too, with all the flak that’ll bring him.

player has a point…subjectivity can be a dangerous thing…who wants to have to tell one player he can drop because of his recent death but tell another he can’t?

Agreed you drop you are penalised for it, full stop.


Originally posted by ClausBrandtJakobsen
I don’t see why anyone would drop due to being insulted, I would stay and try to beat the living daylights out of the offenders, but that may just be me?

No, the drop’s in objection to the behaviour of someone else on your team who insults a third party (not you). Not a lot you can do about that ‘in game’ unless you want to annoy the rest of your team as well as the offender for no good reason.

Originally posted by klub
[b]Agreed you drop you are penalised for it, full stop.

Paul [/b]

I agree and that was the point I was trying to make to Vandal though I believe I may have been misinterpreted. Basically, don’t worry about it because though you’ve come up with a valid reason for a drop we know that most reasons are probably valid so no one will really care on one or two drops.

The system is there to stop anyone who regularly drops as soon as they start to lose - not sure if these people exist but just in case it needs to stay as is :wink:

Yes true enough, everyone may have to drop a game on occasion, and though this will reflect somewhat negatively, it should not be noticeable unless as you say, there are people who drop at the first sign of the enemy putting up resistance.


Cool next time my team mates decide to to offend the other side I will attack them to make them pay for it and knock some sense into them

Now I know we wont win with the internal fighting but hey there you go, dont replace yourself fight instead.
