Team Grudge Games - Firing Players

It was my understanding that “Grudge” or “Team” games were requested by players for players.
The version for predetermined neutrals was another step in evolution to rid us of disruptive morons. There is no “I” in team. If a player is not gellin with the team and the team decides the person is done then, they are done. Money isn’t an issue here. Only a dweeb would make it so. As so many have pointed out, just have the one writing the orders pay. For the Company to get into the affairs of a team is not cool. If the game was an open version then yes I say the company not only has a right but a duty to protect it’s players. In this case though there is no ground moral or other wise to have the company involved. I also think the player should be black listed. I think people like this should be driven out of the game. Screw this cog headed frogface. What about the other 23 people this selfish shmuch is shafting. He is ruining the game for all the others. Frankly I say we ---- the bugger and %$&@! until he squeals. Think about the players as a whole. Side note to this. I dropped in a game that your not suppose to quit. I did this not realising and being a big dope. However I was told from this point forward I would be banned fromthat type of game. I sure hope that is the case here. I also offered once I found out the mistake I made to pay for the turns to be run as a special service so as to keep the flow of the game. I hope that this person isn’t allowed to join in grudges again or that he be listed as no reliable or something. There is a catagory for your rating system! We should have some forum to list the real disruptive players so they can be avoided.
Frack Him!!!
Well, you did ask…

Isn’t dropping a no-drop game similar that a commitment was not-honoured in that although we would like players to fit to the rules, have “perfect” games and so on, that in the real world things go wrong? In this example you have effectively banned that player from playing with you in the team already. I’m very sorry that he has damaged your game, though, but once you have agreed to have that player on your team then he does have rights within the game. We can often ask that player to leave, and when we, calmly, explain the situation often we find that we can get the best solution in a bad situation. We can’t wave a magic wand and make the situation go away, but we can cast healing spells… :hug:

Now I know no-one is perfect and consequently we try to make allowances for such things and try to make the gaming experience as simple as possible for everyone. Ideally everyone would self-regulate (self soothe from my baby experience recently! :D;)) but that doesn’t always happen. :rolleyes:

My suggestion would be that when the player started going awry that you contact us. We then contact that player and see what we can do,find out if they’re too busy etc. When you get players getting heated then sometimes the immediate answer is to reply in a similar, and usually stronger, manner. That generally just aggravates the problem I’ve found, but it can be nice to vent!

You’re welcome not to play with anyone that you don’t want to, list them at game start and we’ll respect those wishes and contact the various parties concerned should there be a clash.

The thing about being passionate about this game, which is a good thing, is that sometimes we can all go slightly over the top. I very much include myself in that and try to improve my own game wherever I can.


Hmm, a TC should give advice to his team-members and he should be allowed to correct orders etc., but he shouldn’t be a dictator.

… but in the case a game goes in the wrong direction cause ONE player is ignoring the given advice, he should be allowed to handle the “problem”.

Okay, the ONE player has paid turn-costs etc. but all the others in the team who are suffering from the ONE’s style of playing have ALSO paid for their turns.

If you look on THIS financial aspect, the ONE is standing alone with his payment for a few turns.

I think most of us are playing this game to have some fun, so it shouldn’t be allowed that a single player might ruin a complete game.

There must be the possibility to take ONE out of the game and in fact that should happen before others are dropping.

Clint is right that he should act as an arbitrator first, but sometimes blood is boiling …

Have Fun!


This I agree with immensely. I did get out though, after I’d been booted out, after the fact. If there was a team vote, I didn’t know about it. There was no toe the line or we’ll ask you to leave message either. I contributed less and less as turns went by because I did feel isolated in the game. There were notables on the team that were and always will be very supportive, the TC being one of them who is a good gaming friend of mine. He had a moment and so did I. The whole point was I was never informed of being dropped, or warned it just happened. Submitted orders, processing day went by and the turn never showed. Went to Yahoo groups and the games’ group was gone, as Id intended to ask the guys if they’d gotten their turns. A quick hey what gives email to ME Games and informed that Id indeed been removed from the game. Perhaps I wouldnt have minded if there had been a warning, checked ALL emails to make sure I hadnt missed it but its not there as I knew it wouldnt be. The financial implications is not as nefarious as it has been made to sound. I got angry as the TC had before me, stating I am not about to pay X amounts of pounds to set someone else up in a game Ive been playing and putting time into. Asked what Id want to do I answered leave it as it is. Obviously it would have been better to have been advised beforehand but whats done is done, demanding, as would have been my right, my position back would lead to one or possibly both teams dropping en-mass. Thats what Id have advocated. So as not to have anymore hassle and to let the guys continue to enjoy the game I let it go.

And as one player has commented string him up etc… then boot him out, black list etc… yes if thats what must happen then ok, just be aware I do like the rough stuff :wink:

if you don’t have the time to play such a game, keep away your fingers!

Do you remember this 3 week turnaround?

You’ve sent your orders after the common two weeks.
Brad has taken a look on them and told you that half of your orders won’t work.

You’ve told us that there will be one more week to correct the orders.-

Time shift-

I’ve got all the results with one exception, your results!
It was Friday, the turn was run on Monday, … and I’ve wanted to have the results before the weekend.

I’ve paid and got them … and only to see that you haven’t changed a single thing!

I’ve sent you a mail that this isn’t acceptable and that I’ll remove you from the team.

As always, I haven’t got a reaction
For me the whole thing ended there, but this was an error I guess.

Have Fun!


As it was for me. It wasn’t an issue until I read this thread. It was your due and right to ask me to leave thats not what the point was. The point was I wasn’t asked to leave, was I? As for a thread to make certain people feel justified in their private actions, well thats another topic I cringe to get into. we’ve all seen this before and whilst some folks like a slagging match I for one don’t. Yes Gixx mate as always have fun, didn’t I say on my email to you. And now that my hard drive is clear of the kids trojans, windows reinstalled along with my programs I no longer have to use my mobile to read emails and will be online as much as possible with the games that I am still currently in, as well as keeping up to date with the boards. Feel angry if you wish, but Im not slating you. for me this was all done and dusted on tuesday last weekand I was out and wishing you all the best(meaning the team). Then 2 days later this thread appears, you all have my personal email address and am sure if those that wanted to could have emailed me. No sometimes a soapbox is much better. As far as Im concerned this is done, unless others wish to make it so.

we’ve plaid some interesting games together and personally I believe that you simply don’t have the needed time to play a grudge.
Trojans on a hard disk aren’t a permanent condition!

Have Fun!


No tehry arent as they have now been killed.:smiley:

… so let’s hope that your kids will surf on secure sides the next time!

All the Best!


No I doubt they will. So am finishing off another pc build so my pc is mine and mine alone… You too mate. Meet again in another sometime, hopefully when things dont all go wrong at the same time.:cool:


Have Fun!


As a player who has been on a grudge team where I personally could not see eye to eye with general strategy of my team… I chose to bow out for the rest of the teams enjoyment of the game… I believe in that game my former grudge team did go on to win that game… I believe that was a personal choice… It should remain so… Some players have unique insights as to strategy that are extremely effective that conflicts with mainstream strategies that also work… It’s often very difficult to explain even in a grudge format… where communication and teamwork is very good…

I think also becuase of all the hype about grudge games where the best players are puts unrealistice expectations on all of the team players… i know I my case that was so… A really great grudge teams are not becuase they come up with the most brillant and innovative strategies is becuase they work best as a team and trust each other the best…

My approach to team play even in open games now is not trying to teach others how I think in usergroups … Now it’s just play… I know I’m a maverick to conventional stratgey ideas so I chose the high risk nations where I operate mainly solo against many… If I survive it’s up to me… Since I don’t care for gun boating to be on grudge team I’m not there on grudge teams… But team play even in open games has to do with letting your players be themselves and influencing them into a Central plan… That’s called leadership! Just becuase your brilliant and have respect as a player doesn’t mean you have the ability to truly lead… So if your mavericks back into a corner and get silent… This is not only a player failure but also a team failure to influence and bring that player into the fold of the team.