Tweaks To Power

I’m not up for a 2 nation game here.

4 turns/ 2 weeks would also get pricey for me. My wife controls the purse strings.

I think the former POWER players can figure out an equitable way to split ourselves into 2 groups, if a grudge game is out of the question.

I am in, regardless of the final format.

Running 2 nations isn’t within my budget right now - if it was, I would’ve picked up one of the drops in Game 2.

Hopefully we can get something going with a full complement (24 or 25) of players.

Okay I think that what most players would like is (there’s lots of email traffic off list):

12v12 non-grudge format.

I’d like to split up the DS desiring FPS (from game 2) equally though so that it’s a fair game. Would that be okay?

Otherwise you’re going to have to get a Grudge team to play you guys.


I suspect that there will be no argument there. We went as deep DS so that we could prove that it could be done, but as for myself, I’d rather see the game happen as quickly as possible.


well, there’s 2 ways to go:

either we find a “grudge team” that is willing to take us on as DS, or we split it up and add in other players as Clint sees fit. I agree with others that for a 2 turns/week format, one nation per player is the right way to go.

We definitely have a DS team if the grudge scenario is the way things go. I have 13 people who want on the DS team. I sent a detailed list to Clint so that he can figure out what’s going on.

Pretty sure that I can’t get a Grudge team to play you at present. (Could in the long term but for now you could probably play an entire game in the period that you waited!!!) :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got a lot of interest in this format so I’ll work (shouldbe trawl) through the emails and get in touch.

Would players be okay with some players doubling up?


Overworked1977…prove what could be done??? A DS win?

Are you saying then that under thoise circumstances you will let the free have corsairs and harad while the DS take Rhuduar Duns?..just trying to better understand your comment


you guys didn’t lose PoWeR 2 because of HA/CO’s declarations. fess up.


Nothing to fess up to one way or the other. It was a major contribution however. But you know the saying: Opinions are like ass&^*&%&'s, everyone has one.

Yes and no. The actual damage inflicted by the CO/HA combination wasn’t as great as the impact it had on the overall team interest in the game. The discussion on the Game 2 thread captured this fairly well.

Not an excuse. Just a fact.

INdeed Diehard, I think that was a better way of putting it…although you have to admit…it is rare that any other situation can soo immediatly put a 1-2 punch on another nation as the Ha/Co vs the QA…had he not blown the port it wouldnt have delayed it even that 1 turn…hence, no other neutral combination is that deadly that quick.

It’s clearly a very potent combination. The QA is pretty much dead meat, the whole sea becomes a FP pond filled with allied navies, the solid power block diminishes the military threat to the south/west FP nations, huge economic edge, etc. Any FP team would be very pleased to have these two heavyweights on side.

Well truth be told…any team would like to have both of them…a DS with both harad and corsairs…has a united front and powerhouse against the the gondors…its just ugly anyway it goes when both team up

Rhu and Duns vs Cardolan are close…now, find me a willing Dun already!!!

What I am saying is that, while the CO/HA combo is a big one, it should not have been the “straw.” A blow, to be sure, but considering the Duns and Rhu flipped by T2, it shouldn’t have been a game deciding one.

I suspect that the greatest damage wasn’t inflicted by the neutral split, but by the values ascribed to those neutrals. Dave and I were honestly hoping that EA would go FP so that we could slug it out there in the south. :o shrug


So Clint,

How many players have signed up, and can you make a guess as to when the game will start?

Not yet - I’m trying to get a consensus on the game format at present. :o


Mmmm, going to give this a shot… :slight_smile:

What about a draft?

I’d suggest John Gates and Dave Holt as TCs; 12v12. (I’ve not checked with them at present though so if this is presumptuous you have my apologies.)

I’ve got 24 players interested so Dave if you’ve got any that you’ve not listed to me earlier get in touch as some of my 24 are unknown.

I’d also suggest 12v12 (normal WC 12v12 format with the forts etc). Part of the reason is that Dave could put together a Grudge team but I’d not want it to play a group of individuals.

It would have some players as a group of two so if you draft one you’d draft the second as your next draft (as I know some players want to play the game on the same side - I’d get players to list who they want to play with) Would take a little work but could be lots of fun. Draft would be private (who wants to be the last-boy-at-school?!) probably organise a chat room to do it quickly (or AIM).

Pricing is going to be 60% of normal costs. We had between 45-55% of the normal cost for the turns before for the first Power game. Turns to run Monday and Thursday.

If we did 10v10 with 5 Neutrals it would be harder to organise.

Feedback needed - this is a work in progress :smiley:
