Like the FA kingdoms, you have intimate knowledge of who’s in the game. I have intimate knowledge of various kinds of soaps, doughnuts, and hangover recovery tips when drinking cheap local draught. I’m assuming the complete game player list will be common knowledge amongst more than just the 2 drafters?
I would suggest that turn 0 gives everyone a little more time (like a week) to get their turns in and teams talking. Last Power game some people went a few days without checking their e-mails and cut it close to missing turn 1.
But John has a valid point about the initial setup as some players might not check their emails for a couple of days but surely that will change when the game is running…
A little extra time for the first turn would be appropriate IMO, after that though it`s your own fault. Team “captains” can submit shadow turns for the tardy among us
It’s fine with me if the complete list is published. Clint? John G?
I also agree that the first turn should be 1 week in to give teams a chance to get organized.
with respect to my “captain” status: I have some ideas about team coordination for this format and will share them with the team once we form. And other ideas from the whole team will be very welcome. The reason the FP in PoWeR 2 was such a fun team, was it was a TEAM. Everyone contributed ideas, resources, strategy, etc. It was so excellent that most of us wanted to stick together for the next go. But of course, reality intervened and there was no opposition team available. Thus we’re in this strange draft situation.
“I went out to party, but of course, reality intervened, and no woman would give me the time of day. Thus, I’ve signed up for this on-line matching service…”
I signed up in response to the yahoogroup msg yesterday… so I think Clint must have everyone needed (or is there still 1 to go)
As I dont think I have met either of the team captains before, I thought I should introduce myself as a relative veteran who usually thinks he knows best and has an opinion on everything - you may wish to place me even further down the draft list than you were thinking of
As the other designated captain, I see no reason not to list all 24 players. I will pan the FPs for concurrence, once the 2 teams are finalized.
Regarding the note on waiting 1 week for the first turn to run, that also seems wise to me.
And finally regarding the team captains shadowing turns for teammates; I am always willing to shadow a turn for a teammate when requested in advance to do so. However “captain” status granted no additional authority to me whatsoever that I am aware of, including any ability to draft shadow orders carte-blance.
To all in the upcoming game, my hotmail address is “pearlypower”
I meant to say possibly team “captains” can prepare shadow turns. In reality I guess if a team member is quiet running up to a deadline a shadow could be done by anyone on the team assuming all players are happy at game start for this to be the case. Obviously the shadow would only be used if no orders for that nation were received.
Niether Dave H nor I used a best player to least player “strategy.” Rather we both tried to create a team that would be equal (well maybe 51% vs 49%) to the remaining 12 players whose names did not fill out our 12 person roster. In effect, we both drafted a FP and DS team.
Apparently, the rosters that Dave and I submitted were 75% the same. Similar to the average US family having 2.8 kids, there is a bit of fussy math but hopefully you get the gist.
And if we should both be FPs, I look forward to gaming with you.
I’ve sent out the email with the player’s team on it. I’m waiting for the players to get back with the list of nations they’d like to play and then we can get the game out. Obviously the quicker the better (so far had half back in about 2 hours so that’s good).
The draft has been completed. Clint has emailed all players to finalize your input on nations you want to play. he hopes to complete nation selection by Wednesday so that things can be sent out. He has specifically asked John G. and I not to say who’s on which team, just in case someone ended up on my team who hates my guts (I’m sure noone hates John G’s guts, so I’m pretty sure that it’s just me he’s worried about… LOL).
Anyway, the draft was completed and if this goes according to plan, the first turn will run on Thursday, 2/23. Thereafter, turns run on Mondays and Thursdays, so I think that means we have deadlines on Sundays and Wednesdays.
I have a bunch of thoughts on how the DS can organize and run things so we whoop up on these goody two shoes FP. But I’ll save those for the DS discussion. I am definitely confident in saying that I agree with John that I have no “status” after the game gets going that is any different than the other eleven players on the DS team. I’m a team player, not a “captain” in any traditional sense. I am looking forward to a very fast paced & fun game!
I think the whole “captain” thing was just a means to an end to get things sorted out. There`ll plenty of guys on each time with lots of input on stategy etc, but some guys call the plays better than others and some of us will just run the ball if you give it to us