Vandal awaits your pleasure

Definately up for that after 92 - make sure you don’t kick the bucket before then old man.

Oh its only one postion do it now why wait, take me soemwhere near my peak


Completely random teams I reckon - I don’t even know the players from 92 yet.

Well its a test of more than one players skills so I await your pleasure as expect no mercy.


Sorry but I only play one ME game at a time - surely you can wait that long?

time passes quicker when your older… right?

btw - we can’t be neutrals.

Ah… but you can sort of tell whos a good player on the other team and whos crap.

Nobody gives mercy in ME.

I like my meat fresh


Come on now never heard of multi tasking, try running 15 plus positions at the same time.


got told off by clint :stuck_out_tongue: (and censored)

you’ll have to wait until after 92.

Well I told you the great demon god from on high might have taken a hand.

I try limiting my taunting so as to avoid the auto slap on wrist but I like the idea of you waiting knowing all the time you have lost.

Or if you dont know it waiting until I deliver on that promise.


I didn’t lose… I won.

I’m not sure about that …

you look like you been talking to yourself.

Well if you lose half your messages i am sure it looks just like that but hey do I care.

I await your head on a platter when you are free and then I will teach you such a lesson you will not like the Muller know how to deal with the shame.

As I always say undefeated in open challange pewrhaps you will be the one, yopu can live that dream, for just a moment.


god… i knew you were going to go back to saying the same old stuff…

btw I don’t think muller feels any shame. Tell you one thing though - i’d never give up… if we did ever play a 12 on 12 you’d have to take every single MT and then I’d probably make you go on a bug hunt for the rest of your living days. But of course that wouldn’t happen.

ME is like any other game… have enough time, a brain and can be arsed you can beat most people. Anyway were playing in normal teams next time, then gunboat, then BOFA and eventually a 12 on 12 (or 10 on 10).

Well what can I say I have spent a year or two on a ug hunt before, I would have no problems hunting you dont at all.

I would like to think I would have the good grace not to sink so low myself and know when to call it a day and admit defeat.

But then you are not me and thats that.

Oh what can i say about Muller except he gave it the big I am like you and lost on game turn 6. Pretty crushing if I say so myself and its pretty hard to be that big brave chap when all you have to say is you tried and died and you are not good enough.

Old record, indeed why change a winning formula?

Lastly I dont agree with your anyone can win, seen some guys with braisn but not an ounce of common sense and no mater how much time they had they could not win a game


yeah… meant to write common sense as well.

I reckon after playing you’d at least respect my gameplay… btw read back (ok you can’t…) i never gave it “big”. I said I’d have a good go at it…

Edit: couldn’t be arsed with a bug hunt either.

If you play a mean game of course thats one thing but never going to respect anyone whose aim if they lose is to grag it out to the end.

No class in that at all.

Well play hard and die well and you may yet earn my respect.

Should of course you win just think of the kudos that indeed may earn you.

Like everyone else you do get that chance of hunbling me.

Its worth noting that as you mentioned what you say as much as what you do counts and you have not been that nice that you are worthy or respect, you will have to earn that on the battlefield.

I await you in the field just as always.


So what? You haven’t been nice to loads of ppl…

Now if you where at the face 2 face you would have seen me crush the Corsairs but great play by the SG player saved him from utter defeat.

Not a QA pop centre lost in the entire game but SG player ruddy well and I am not to afraid to say it.

I will leave it to you how you want to play me
