Things might be coming together, let’s see, for opposition there’s Gixxxer, Anja, Mike S. (TheWayfarer), Tine, Darrell and Keith so far. That’s six against me, come on guys (and gal Anja), I think that ya’ll can handle two nations apiece.
The name? It’s the German short version for Elizabeth. I think Gerhard is taking you up on a game and building a team, so maybe we need to postphone our outing.
No need to apologize, I was joking!!! I knew you couldn’t be sure about my gender. Specially since I mostly use the sort version with an “e” at the end and not Tina which would be more obvious :).
You have to come over if you’re looking for beer; I’m sure Gerhard will supply the German ones wile I bring the British for comparison :).
What! Gerhard drinks beer? I didn’t think he was old enough, with him riding bicycles and stuff. Now I’m really shocked. I guess I’ll go have a few and mull this new information over.
You have 8 players now (9 if you want to count yourself). How many do you need? Didn’t some say they would play 2 positions (yourself included & Darrell)?
As I sit here wondering if I will EVER get this game, I start thinking about what I might of said or might of done to scare everyone away. Whatever it was, I’m sorry, if needed I’ll let you win at the end.