1 week or process when ready games (PoWeR)

Okay I’ll see if we can actually set up a game of this so if you’re interested get in touch with your name, account number and list of nations you want to play (at least 3).

Costs are $3.00 + 50c per day - and maximum length of turnaround is 1wk. W/ends don’t count (we don’t work then) and turns are to be sent in using AM or MEOW if you want this discounted rate otherwise normal cost. We’ll charge for turns in advance to save us a lot of admin (blocks of 4).

Works out to be around $10 per week I’d guess (3-4 days turnaround I’d estimate) for two turns compared with $7.60 for normal turns.

W/ends don’t count towards the turnaround.


Okay we’ve got 8 signed up so far. Any more?


Are you taking signups for standard 1650 game or GB?

  • Jeppe

Standard 1650 game (ie 25 players). We’re taking normal turnaround for another 1650 GB at present though.


Hi - I would be interested in a POWER GB starting, say, in a couple of months, if you’d consider running it in that format?


Planning a variant of a variant format in several months time is probably a no-goer… :slight_smile:

As per usual if players are up for it and there’s enough of them we’ll support the game.

At present we have 12 players signed up for a normal game of this and several interested parties so we’re close.



POWER Game: Costs are £1.50/$3.00/AU$4.50 + 25p/50c/75auC per day - and maximum length of turnaround is 1wk. W/ends don’t count (we don’t work
then) and turns are to be sent in using AM or MEOW if you want this
discounted rate otherwise normal cost. We’ll charge for turns in advance to
save us a lot of admin (blocks of 4).

Ie it’s cheap and fast! What are you guys waiting for!


yeah… what is everyone waiting for?
by necessity, this game will also have some of the flavor of the “olden days”
there won’t be all that time for all that team email back and forth.

Not the complete fog-of-war of GB, but there will be plenty of folks that turn-around in one day to save the $. So there’s no way it’s going to be “formulaic” the way so many of the team games go these days.

So, SIGN UP!!!

I don’t understand it myself. This format is so CHEAP to play that it’s got to be worth it.


Is that true $49 every two weeks vs. $8 is this correct? I would be willing but not sure at those prices?

Okay check my math if i have this correct. $3.00 + $.50 a day USD. So Monday-Friday so that would be $5.50 a week for a turn? vs. $7.80 avery two weeks? If this is true sign me up brother.

Done - it’s very cheap play… :slight_smile:


Ahhh hell I’m in a grudge and game 92 but that will be won shortly :wink: yeah sign me up Clint. might have to play a DS this time round. :eek:

Regards Herman

Get in touch off line as I don’t know who you are.

With you we’ve got 14 signed up and with game 90 ending then I suspect it will be filled within a week.
