Just wondering about this format. At present we can only support one of these (due to player interest). With a reduced cost would players be interested in playing it? I often get players ask for faster turnaround on games but don’t often see that reflected in games that set-up (despite attempts to get them going).
I would be all for it, even taking 2 positions if that was allowed.
2weeks/turn games are soooooo slow.
I guess it would boil down to 1turn/week since I doubt that 25 people could all get their turns in fast. There is always someone with a computer problem, a vacation or something else.
Perhaps a price for people who delivered turns in fast could speed up play. Ie half price on turns if delivered within 48hours. But it is probably a lot of work to keep track of such things on your side clint ??
Perhaps half price to all the members of the side (not neutrals) that sent in all their turns fastest would be easier to administrate ?
How about a dollar a day from turn run to final orders in? Send order file in 24 hours and that turn costs you a buck. What’s the current USD charge…? $7.80? Take 7 days and you save a bit of money. Have a PWR game with a 10 day max at a buck a day and charge for Special Service turns if there was no communication the max $10.
I’m thinking something like $3.00 fixed fee per turn +50c per day. That would encourage fast turnaround.
As to keeping an eye on teams etc we’re only really interested in getting the entire game in on time. Maybe some requirement about that could be suitable? Late turns (anything after 5 days) would be warned and second time would then be charged at normal turn cost for the first offence. Or there could be the option of offering the nation out, or an agreement that there are no repeat “offences”.
It’s workable - just need some ideas and people who’d be interested in this format.
Seems like the turnaround time would be a nice fit with a GB game (assuming no diplos). No real reason to not send your next GB turn ASAP. Pricing structure could make GB more viable to players with a ME budget.
I have never done 1650. some of the people i know who are interested in a power game have never done 1650 either. I was actually putting a team together of 5 people 2 nations each for 2950. wasnt sure that would ‘fly’ or not.
I would be very interested in this kind of game, particularly with that financial incentive. (Although with the .50/day stipulation you’d have to be very clear about what timezone determines when a day begins/ends.) I also agree that it sounds like Gunboat is the most natural format for this kind of setup as you’re not going to have much time to discuss things anyway.
chances are high that it’d be nowhere near that fast. After all, each player has their hands on the controls. thus, it could theoretically be as fast as every day, but if you don’t want it that fast, you just don’t send in your orders until you’re ready. it’s as slow as the slowest player (or turn deadline - 1 week?)
ahhh. sorry i have to disagree with Clint on this. i think a first game for anyone should be a 1 week turnaround game. Holds interest better. Less drops. easier to get “into” a game and stay "into a game. get in touch off line if you like.
Well, I would welcome a fast turn around game. I have played in other times and places (the early 90’s) so I have some familiarity with the rules and I would hope that game play hasn’t become too routine from so many repeat players after this many years!
I’ll take either actuall (two week also) and don’t plan on losing interest, although I may lose my position due to being overwhelmed by the opposition!!