1 Week Winter

I suspect I’ve asked this before, but what are the odds that the 1 week games will be able to have proper seasons? 6 turns or so each season with a couple extras (26 turns of 2 week game a year divided by 4 seasons)?

Currently, the MEarth Seasons are based on the RWorld seasons, but 1 week games get twice as many turns in per RWorld season.

Mind you, I doubt the FP in 51 will be sympathetic…what about a change that provides for true 2 week simulation regardless of turnaround…after 51?


RWorld seasons!, but it’s summer here in Oz? (35DegC yesterday and glorious!) :cool:
But I dare say we run on GMS. :wink:

Hope you poor Northies arn’t freezing your butts off! :smiley:

Regards Herman