Unfortunately it wasn’t Terry. It took me a few weeks to get it all compiled and readable. Ideally I’d like to compile the before game and after game switch of neutrals but I’ve got limited time to get a feel for that (part of the reason I play the game is so that I get a better understanding from a player perspective - mostly 'cos I love it!)
I think the changes to the game are still fine though as do the majority of the players so I’m content with that. I think that we’ve managed to garner great improvements to the game, with player assistance - I think the regional map is great for example, both the original Mike concept and the updated Brad one, and having different regions with different strengths and weaknesses and now the balance of Navies being brought in all look to have improved the game (ditto the costing of SNAs to an appropriate level - we see a much wider range of SNAs picked now for example), Neutral team rules etc.
I’d like to get some time to put into KS but at present I’m a bit swamped (FTF to organise, GB stuff, other compilations and articles for Bree, other projects, new mapping program, PC conversion, forum feedback and support, emails in general etc all leave for not a lot of spare time for other such - it comes down to a matter of prioritisation).
I believe most of the changes ws definitely good… I think we should go back to the previous setup costs for characters setups in light of this new info… everything else was great improvement
My feelings is over the 33% DS victory rate is many players enter 4th age
with 1650 tendencies. If you’re DS you want to use agents and character
actions as much as armies while FP players bring over the 1650 recruit
recruit recruit philosophy which is better suited for 4th age without the
DS character advantage…
From my expierence it shows that Eleven Horsefarmer nations in which the FP have normally 2 or more of in each game. This is way more powerful than the precieved agent advantage DS enjoy in 1650 is not true in 1000… The win percentage pretty clearly shows this… 25 trained elves in HC are more powerful than the best human nations can produce and now elves get the mages at the cheapiest setup costs. In a period where elves are suppose to be gone from Middle Earth and Dwarves lost deep in the mountains.
It’s a definitely a game where military might rules over who has the best agents…
Elves schmelves, Faire Weather Faeries if I ever did see them. You don’t really believe they “all” left, do you? Come now, I’m no conspiracy theorist, but who gets the cushy 1st class ride out when trouble’s a’comin’? The rich and powerful, of course. What about the Common People? All those 500/turn from the cities? They all got on those 3 or 4 pretty boats and bugged out? Of course not, don’t be silly. Their weak and cowardly “leaders” all left, greener grass and all that. No, the rest were left, family groups scattered and hid from the chaos. Eventually, they rebuilt villages…towns…even Nations…
I do not share your view here. Given the new setup rules, it’s easier to find where one will be attacked from and plan accordingly. Even a elven hc st/st can only go so far early on when facing forts on it’s way. Even wm do wear out after a bit of time.
Agents have been hit by the nerf bat, a welcome change from the first FA games from GSI, but selling them out might be dangerous. An agent nation have to build up to be more efficient that is all. If they survive the early days they are as dangerous as before. And, if anything, Human/ Emmies are a lot more efficient now too; camp limit is now reached by turn 3 or 4, sustaining armies is harder if it’s other who posted before you did.
It might be that your view comes from the fact you are more knowledgeable with 1650 than 2950?.
I don’t think the recent win percentage by the FP justify nerfing agents in 1000. I’m sure Clint would not have changed the setup costs for the preception that agents was to powerful in 1000… Which side wins the most should be the guideline for changes… In 1650 they are about even in recent years so no significant changes needed.
Nobody likes thier capitol camped and lose the game but I believe that players should be allowed to use their agent tactics to win for thier team if that is thier teams advantage… I do not enjoy playing an agent nation myself yet I will firmly fight for the right of of Players and teams to use thier agents to the max extent includling camping my capitol as long as the Game is balanced…
I also believe HC and LC by elves should not be allowed in Middle Earth… Thier 25 skill is reflective of thier LI to be both great archers and infantry… They may have rode horses in pleasure but HC! Get real! only Humans rode heavily armored mounts into battles…
I also think you misunderstood… When I siad military might rules over agent power which is true from my expierence in 1000… I’m saying the DS agents are not as effective in defeating the FP ability to make elven conjure mounts with 25 training and mages now cheapiest class to setup has only increased the possibility of FP winning games…
As for the camp limit beeing reached so fast has more to do with the change of more starting Pc’s than any other reason… There are more pc’s at game start in 1000 games than any other scenerio…