1000 Set-ups

When we send out the set-up region and allegiances that players get we’d like players to get back within the week. Usually there’s tardy players. What could we do about that?

I was thinking an in-game penalty such as losing gold from that nation reserves. That can be annoying for the player of course. One other option is to do the opposite and benefit players who get a set-up in on time.

That could be simply improve your capital to a City (is that too much?) Or it could +10 stat on a character of your choice (no stat above 40, no stealth, mages would not gain a spell). But would that be enough?

Thoughts welcome.


I think that rewarding the on time players is the better way to go. By doing that, it actually penalizes the late player(s) since they did not get the bonus and others did.

I think that the improvement of the capital to a city is way too much of a bonus as that is really a 10K gold bonus. I think the +10 to a skill rank to a character of the players choice is a much better reward (no better than 40 rank, or stealth, etc). As a player, I could do much with that extra 10 points if I knew I could get it just because I put my setup in on time. I do believe that the +10 points would a sufficient motivator.


I think getting a +10 in skill is a great incentive. I would be against penalizing a player gold or whatever…that could be an incentive for the tardy player to drop. I hate having to wait already:o


Clint, I agree that the +10 (max 40 skill rank) to a skill rank is the way to go. It’s much better than a penalty, and a city is (OMG) way too much.

ok. Now here’s the next problem: How do you ensure that people have received your notice of what region(s) they’ve received and what the deadline for nation design is? email continues to be problematic. If you enact this, now there’s going to be another “in-game” consequence of email working (or not), so I think you need to solve this as well. Maybe the web turn server could provide the answer somehow???


Hows about theres a slightly longer period to do nation design of upto 2 weeks…

Then I think you can fairly reward or penalise players.

So maybe an incentive to get your setup finalised in the first week, +1000 starting gold or some other marginal advantage.

If over 2 weeks then I think you want to do something easy to administer rather than waiting for players to send in a modification to characters slowing things up more. How about all other players get +1000 gold. Boring but easy.


I don’t see that it needs two weeks to do your set-up. As a player I’ve got a very good idea of the SNAs, characters, armies and other such that I want already before I even sign up; and if I’m joining with a team we’d have discussed who’s playing what sort of nation (and if not why not?!) Then that just leaves location to be finished, and that’s can be simply the default region, guaranteeing placement that takes but a short period of time, if you’re rushed or a more leisurely period of examination if you want to. If I’m in a heavily enemy orientated area I might change the characters slightly but that’s about it. Not sure about the rest of you guys…

I’ve done this sort of thing before and I think 2wks would just extend the period that players are late in and we’d still get the same players late but after 2wks… :slight_smile: I also don’t think 2k gold would give any real incentive to players. Thanks for feeding back though it is appreciated.

Email is fine on the whole. I send out many email reminders for 1000 so that works and I don’t have a problem with this. The problem I have is getting players to send in their set-ups on time, when they do receive their regions etc.

I was wondering if there were any more ideas? Minor SNAs is a cute one for example but I was wondering if there were any other ideas out there?


the only other idea I have would be to give an additional 1000 or 2000 gold to spend on your nation’s SNA’s (note that I would not give any extra ones). Depending on what region your nation is actually in, that extra 2K for SNA’s (combined with your regional bonus) could make the difference of an extra artifact or even a better SNA. I would only give the one week time limit though to get the bonus. Like you, I have a good idea of what SNA’s and characters I want to try before I even start the game. As for the missing email worry, that also would encourage the players to be more on top of their startups. Every once in a while email is delayed, but that could be handled on a case-by-case basis.


Make a random list of bonuses for “on time” delivery. Once the game is finally set up, spin the wheel and advise the receiving players of what bonuses they’ve received when you send out the Turn 0’s. Similar to how you deal with the extra 10 point option in regular grudges - you send out the turn 0’s and the players get to pick who gets the skill and issues orders that can use that skill, etc, and you guys adjust the set ups before turn 1 is run.

Issue the turn 0’s and advise the players that “You have an extra 1000 to spend on your set up - please forward us your additions else the gold will be added to your reserves” or “You have received 2 random artifacts as per set-up option X, you should see those artifacts on your pdf” or “You have received a 10 skill point bonus, please advise us of which skill on which character before sending in your turn 1 orders and this will be adjusted” etc…

Might even include the Kingdom’s map in that random list - showing all the Capitals in the game, etc. What else?


I’d agree with the idea of either a +10 skill (max 40 and no stealth) or a modest gold increase (say 2,000). I wouldn’t want to be giving people extra minor SNAs as it will take them extra time to send back what they want.


Well…I thought you were talking about the people who actually got their set-ups in “early”…such that the expectation would be to be responsive in a timely manner, yes?

Yes. far too much.

Not on your own choice. Then you will change the rules of the game too much. It should be a RANDOM bonus or ability. We allready get one like that from turn 0. Well why not give 2 to those who deserve it?

I disagree that any bonus should be given for an on time setup. It’s expected.

A penalty, however, might be offputting for players turning in late and might lead to increased drops.

So I see your dilemma. The shock or the sugar.

how about a free artifact starting in possession of your King (minor similar to those given in the set-ups). IT is simple, easy and does not give a flat easy to get +10 bonus to someone.

Do it for the upcoming game and see how it works (which ever boon you select, be it +10 skill, city (wow), or arty (my favorite).

See ya,

Another method might be a random +10 to a skill or perhaps a free arty (that was a good idea as not many arty’s are used in FA) and then you could arrange a gold bonus to the treasury that is time sensitive. Example.

Setup due in 1 week.
Day6 = +2000 Gold, +10Skill, Free Arty
Day5 = +1000 Gold, +10Skill
Day4 = +700 Gold
Day3 = +400 Gold
Day2 = +300 Gold
Day1 = +200 Gold
Due Day +0


We shouldnt reward players for sending in their set up the first day(s) because that would mean to punish those who wish to use some more time. After all creating your own nation is the best part of the game and we would like to use some time on it.
Its enough to reward those who send in the set up in due time. The reward shouldnt have a big impact on the game (change the rules too much).
A randomly skillbonus or personal ability to a randomly character would be perfect. Because of the random nature we will not be able to calculate with it so it will not change the game really. But we will all be exited to see what kind of bonuses we get and eagerly read our first PDF. Because it is unpredictable it will actually works more motivatingly than if we knew what to expect. So is human nature.

As a player a random gain might not particularly benefit me and I wouldn’t be “pushed” to get my set-up on time (most of the time they are useless). Chosing the 10 stat would give me the incentive though. What do others think?

One half-way house might be to chose the character you want who gets a random +10 stat.

Clint (player/GM)

Very rational. And? We are dealing with human beings here you know

Why not try the little carrot first and see how it works?

1000 games takes 4months to set-up so it would take a long time to work out and I’ve got a decent idea of what players want/would incentivise them. I’m waiting on feedback here though to see what players think. The Artefact is more difficult to do. Without easy access to the Artefact list we have to randomly pick artefacts until one is suitable. Imagine doing that for 25 players.

Clint (GM)

A modest reward sounds fine to me. I’d be in favor of any of the following:

  1. Up to 3000 in reserves.
  2. A +10 random bonus to any skill that is at 40 or below either before or after the bonus. Raising a 30 to a 40 isn’t overly powerful (but it’s very nice), but a 40 to a 50 might be. I’m not sure here.
  3. A random combat artifact, so it wouldn’t be anything overly powerful. I think even a +10 skill or stealth artifact would be too good.
  4. An additional 3000 gold worth of starting troops in their army that are preferably LC, HC, LI, or HI (or some combination thereof), so having the decent training, armor, and weapons can actually be useful.

I’d be opposed to any extra SNA gold for two reasons:

  1. Northern nations especially, with their bonuses are fairly close to getting 3 of the top-tier SNAs, and this would allow other nations to get 2 top-tier SNAs and still be able to afford a hidden PC, for instance, which I find way too good.
  2. I’m opposed to anything that could possibly delay the start of the game.

Ideally, no one would need incentives to get things in on time, but because 4th Age games take so long to fill, I can see how some people’s interest can wane as they wait, so the added incentive might help keep these people more interested,
