There are a few of us that have shown an interest in a 1650 1 week turn around game. Would those of you interested get your names down on this thread and if we get enough we will put a list in to Clint to set it up. Only put your name down if you are serious about this, we don’t want people dropping or finding it is hurting them in the hip pocket. I personaly think the 12 V 12 grudge format would work best as we won’t have a problem with one team picking up too many neutrals.
Hello I have been in the last 3 one week games.
Dark Lts 135 Dog 138 WK 139
Personally I believe it’s better to have regular scenario and not 12 Vs 12. If you want, just to avoid unbalanced game, there can be a rule which would be at most only 3 neutrals can join the same side, so at most you will have in one team 12 nations and in the other 13.
Note that 12 vs 12 games are not so funny as those with neutrals, in which you have to negotiate, and note that 12 vs 12 grudge game is just, ok people Go for them. Let the game win in surprise and let Neutrals to join in the game.
Hey I will play whatevers going, I have just seen guys bail from a game because 4 neuts went one way, didn’t want to go to all the trouble of filling a game only to have it collapse after 4-5 turns because of something silly.
I don’t think you can say to people hey you have to go to team X because three people have already gone to team Y, it is either a free for all or you have do do something like a 12 V 12 to keep it balanced. JMO
cough I am ready willing and able to play in the next available 1 week standard 1650 game.
Also count in Keith Michaels ( a co worker of mine)
So that’s two.
About 12 vs 12. I really don’t see the need. Most competant team players would not allow for such a situation (all neutrals in a standard game joining one side) normally.
I think it’s retarded for all the neutrals to join one side. That is sabotaging the games playability. If I knew all the neutrals conspired to join one side, I would be hesitant to join another game with them, and certainly lack trust and faith in them. They are playing for short term personal jollies IMO, and I’d rather see that type of player dangling lifeless from the end of my pike
Of course I do not know details of said game occuring. I am speaking in general.
Well it was not the huge response I was expecting. We have six down so far, it is the holiday season I suppose so a few people might be away. Let’s see if we can’t get this game filled quickly.
Okay only one reply so far… Usually I find that the number of players who post here is NOT indicative of the number of players who are actually ready to sign up to a game. If you want the game guys you need to get in touch with me off list.
As far as I know I am the only one who has actually contacted him and suggested my nations.
Haven’t had anything from “Herman”. This is just to see if there is actually a potential game out there. No point me spending a few hours working through all the emails and old players contacting them, dealing with all the enquiries without at least some of the “8” players who want to play here actually committing…
For example many of the players above who is strongly pushing for a 1wk game are actually unable to play - ironic uh?!
So Gixxer is not available, nothing from Thors, Keith, Herman, Sven, Don or Vandal.
I don’t mind putting the effort in but you guys need to as well if you actually want this game to occur.