seems so ! I not good with these qoute things… But if I answer myself Lookout! I should play only the DS!
seems so ! I not good with these qoute things… But if I answer myself Lookout! I should play only the DS!
Ok ideas to help balance the agent advantage…
One remove CL +20 kid/Ass
Two give Sinda RoW and Woodman RoC
Three remove all DS nuetral agent artifacts including stealth ones put them back in the artifact hunts.
anyone of these alone would either give FP more time or help them earlier to make some killers of thier own earlier in the game.
These suggestions I disagree with. I still think the game is balanced. Yes the numbers do not dictate that, but I think it is more to bad play by the free then advantages of the dark servants.
Just my two cents worth.
I would love to see the artifacts randomized a bit…that would be pretty cool.
Looks like I had better hurry up and play CL before “someone improves” the game.
Here I spent all that sweat, effort and money learning to make the WM, EO and NM viable. Silly me, all that was required was whipping the villagers into a frenzy.
Hey, I’ve got a viable WM going Ed…but you won’t leave me alone in that one, will you…?
There is always someone anxious to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. You can spot them pretty easy. He’s the dude who strikes a noble pose and gives speeches about sportsmanship and/or honor.
Come now Ed, you should know well enough that the more frenzied, and sillier it get’s, the less likely the “improvement” will come…or are you just being clever…?
Actaully I missed the part removing CL +20 kidnap?ass or give Sinda the same ability.
These we are meant as a single options that could be tested not all three at once…
I still believe it’s balanced also But those who said No way a Competent DS team VS a Compotent FP the DS would always win and market manipulation failed to comment on my suggestions… Afterall that what the post was suppose to be about anyways…
Personally I like the giving of RoW to Sinda and RoC to woodmen the best minor tweak… It would force the DS to chase whoever possed these artifacts takeing away LoT’s from DS team… It also allows the FP to steal gold from DS towns and MT’s at game start negating some of the effects of market manipulations without changing the ability of the DS to attempt it.
The FP can already create 1 assassin who can kill on turn 3. Have knocked off the Cloud Lord starting army one game, and Din O (gaining HIS artifacts) another game in recent memory this way. Give them RoC and RoW too…? Well, that would certainly work towards “equalizing” things in the Agent world… I’m not a big fan of that. I’m more a fan of another mage here, a Northmen 40 emissary there, ala 2950, as I’ve been muttering about for a while.
In fact, recently I’ve noticed that besides the NMen 40 emis, extra mages, extra stealth nations, etc for the 2950 FP, they’ve also gained 3 extra stealth artifacts (Dwarf, NG, Dunadan) to offset the loss of RoI. This gives extra nations the option to name agents and train them by the harder Steal Gold order much faster than in 1650. Of course, they also have a Curse toy to equalize against the DS curse toy, AND the Pectoral is lost in 2950, isn’t it?
No, map the changes from 1650 to 2950 along these lines and one can see the kinds of verrry minor tweaks that would bring the 1650 game back in line with “balance”.
Side Note on “anti-agent” actions. Have always held the “guard” order in very low esteem, recently have failed to guard and been injured or worse 5 consequetive orders, different nations different games, the agent who succeeded “through” my guards always just marginally better, most Certainly Not 2X better… Having lost track of the “agent tweaks” that have supposedly gone on through history, I don’t know if these kinds of results are simply uber-freakish or expected, but they simply add to the frustration, no…?
But what can I say, I’m now playing the bloody Cloud Lord in another game…
Well, Brad, guess you had better start playing more 2950.
Yes, but only FP…they have all the advantages and win more games there apparently…