1650 game 11

Looks like another one has come to an end. Our last ditch effort to find the Ring gave us a location, but after three turns we were still unable to pick the thing up.

The FP yield.

However, before everyone quits, I’m hoping there is a member of the DS team who is willing to stick around for a couple more turns, so I can try an experiment - I want to stack Elrond to the gills with artifacts, and go PC a dragon. Anyone interested? And if anyone has something they always wanted to try but never dared in an active game, I’d be happy to help.

Hail Harbqll!

There is a Game 11 Thread you know, you don’t need to make a new one.

Anyway the DS are not yielding and Elrond will not be leaving his present location alive!!!

Cheers Dragon Lord!

PS - Hail the Great Nana!

I think you misunderstand me. We are surrendering to you. The rest of the FP team has already quit. I’m the only one still around, and only because I want to try this Dragonslayer stunt.

See the nana - love the nana - so it is written! :slight_smile: So why is the great nana of power being seen in these parts anyway? :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

Dragon killing isn’t a big mystery. 200+ challange, make sure a couple of those are Bonus artifacts. Commanders are better with Arthedain’s com toy and find an appropriate bonus sword and you swat them like gnats. Boring, actually, as you run around trying to find them more than you kill.

Use mages similarly equiped if you like, but kill them in the encounter instead of the 210 and you’ll get lost list spells. Using a Command/Mage you can do this with command toys while gaining the mage reward, the FP have lots of commanders and not so many mage toys to use for such a narrow purpose. Note, you do not get a skill rank bonus killing in an encounter.

Well you can try the Dragon-Slaying thing, just not with Elrond.

Elrond will hoisted by his own petard and Cursed to death!

The Nana was mentioned as a nod to a past CL and friend.

Wow that’s nice - hope he appreciates it :slight_smile: I once had a friend but in the bitter winter of 2009 I was forced to eat him. It got down to 25 degrees here in the tropics. Really I just couldn’t stand him talking to me :smiley: Thanks Mike :hug: :slight_smile: :o

Or is that Adrian? Bloody nicknames :slight_smile: Why can’t everyone use their real names like Winsten :slight_smile:

Well looks like congratulations are in order DS - well done, nice victory.


Winsten no games

Without Elrond, I can’t try it. And from what Fax says, it sounds like it’s been done to death already, so why bother.

Rich, try this on for vicariousness:


Exactly… :slight_smile: