1650 Game 86

So has anyone recieved word from the Easterlings or Harad? I have sent post through the game mail and here on the boards and no luck. Maybe they were noobs and dropped. Odd to have neutrals THAT quiet. OK Mike, now tell me how wrong I am:rolleyes:(Blue Knight)

Mike can say nothing, we’ve done all we can. We’ll have to find a way to kill the Freeps with them having the Neut’s to blame I guess…

We have not heard from the Easterlings or Harad either…very odd first move by Harad.

Doug - Noldo

Well I am not in this game – so am not running one of those nations – maybe they have decided to go one way or the other already – which to me ruins the term Nuetral nation in a game !!


My team will likely whip me for saying this, but I’d prefer an even split, rather than 4-5 neutrals on my side…

Also worried about Harad/Easterlings, more because I fear they’ll ruin balance than for them attacking my side.

Anyway, I still like neutrals in the game, 3 out of 5 active is better than nothing.

Yeah… really odd move by Harad. Hire for Free is nice, but won’t help you if you get suddenly attacked.

  • Dragon Lord

Well, if we let you run the diplomacy we’ll get 4-5 on their side…hope you’re ready for the whirlwind Camel :smiley:

Neutral can do as they please, that’s why people want neutrals. Diplomacy as a general rule works, sometimes it doesn’t, c’est la vie. We’ve had a rash of old players coming back after 10 years or so, might we have another couple of those? In many cases, those poor chaps are playing in a completely different, albeit parallel, universe of their out-dated assumptions. We shall see. In many cases, anything outside of the “typical” is good for variety, yes/no?

IMO This deal with the two blokes going off the radar only helps my side. If the Harad wants to suck his thumb great;) He sits back doing nation building and character development. That means his bank begins to grow and drives up the prices. Very good for me and mine. For the Easterlings the longer he is alive in the North the more resources the free have to hold in reserve and wait to see what this Jerky does. Nope I don’t mind these two sheep one little bit. You doorknobs take all the time you want. Haste makes waste you mates wait another month or so…:stuck_out_tongue: Don’t want you to make the wrong move. Besides the free are planing on attacking you anyway. South Gondor told me! The Eothraim asked for us to allow him to pass through so he could attack the Harad. Then there was the Northmen said he was moving two armies along the edge of the map and will attack the Easterlings’ two major pops the same turn and put him out. I tell ya, it just isn’t right.:frowning:

Doug, do you think, in the name of game balance, that I should move to intercept the Northmen and defend the Easterlings so he can be left alone to build and then attack the Cloud Lord on turn 14? Please advise, I have to move this mass somewhere…

Blind Brad the Sorceror

Yes I do. We have to be very careful here or the other neutrals might not like us:(

South Gondor, I suggest you have your team look your orders over for you!:confused: Arthedain this is a two week game not a three week:eek:
How odd. Easterlings are totally mum:confused:
From Harad not a peep:confused:
South Gondor not a clue:eek:
Eothraim is lost:p

Man I remember back when these games went out past turn 30 never mind 10:rolleyes:

Go ahead Doug, rub it in…I’m sure they’re not pissed enough already. Oh, you forgot the Suicide Generals Club of North Gondor - Erik, there are better ways to replace your starting characters… :smiley:

Not just Gondors, the Dwarves have shown us they can be idiots too.

Over here, Over there, Free people are overrun everywhere:D

It is like the Gondorian olympic hockey team that drowned during spring training:p

This is funny!!!

Even more so since the Fire King ran your tushy over

Your resting now…Six feet under!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey laugh while you can! Last game I got an army overran we took out the Dog capital on turn 5!!:wink:


Well there buddy you have three more turns with just a few armies outside of it. Ask your buddies to help. Not South Gondor as he has no idea how to anchor his ships, Duh. Maybe the Eothraim and his three armies could help you? I’m sure there is nothing going to happen to them;)
Or maybe the Easterlings could help you? Most likely not needed as you are doing so well you have left Oz undefended. Well I have out my pencil and notebook as I am ready to get schooled:p

We have you DS right where we want you!

What makes you think those overuns weren’t planned?!?

We wanted to get rid of some high maintenance armies and you - ever so foolishly - feel into our nefarious plot!

Say I say - HA! We got you! :smiley:

Drat foiled again:mad: Curses:(

Go Thavius - make him Scream…it might be all that wakes me…

one commander, two commander, three commander, four…
I dont think there are any commanders left in the lands of north gondor…