1650 Game 86

Well then, when was this post again…? We’ve played a few more turns and some things have since happened. Welcome to Indie World, I guess… What’s the line now? Frankly, these darned 2 weekers, I have a hard time remembering what nation’s I’m playing, talk about any real details… Are the FP quitting? I recall some allies in a panic - whatever could that have been about? Easterlings are Free now - are they ready to fight? Have they been Free for a while? Geez, damn holidays and Year End, what game is this again…?

Easterlings joined the free team but are still “officially” neutral…

Rhudaur is decidedly dark…

I have no information about the other three.

Free team morphed a bit as indy games go unfortunately…


No one is talking quit though.

so put me out would ya

jz 25

Qualify that if you please: Are they talking at all…? :smiley:

We take towns, the Free take them back. The Free take villages, we don’t take them back. I think this means that the Free think they’re winning?

Nice of Harad to perform his first action of the ENTIRE GAME~! 400 Heavy Cav in, wait for it, that sexy set-up - Steel/Steel - burning camps south of Mordor. Yes folks, it’s turn 18 and Harad has entered the war…

NG on Vamag. It appears someone forgot there were docks there. Wonder what’s happening in the Anduin and Dol Amroth - for NG to have the freedom to hit Vamag…??? While Elrond and Erestor steal - villages…and Gildor is visiting a Camp for no reason we can imagine.

Yes folks, Turn 18 - THIS is So Exciting~!

Gondor for Angmar?
Think we can live with that…

Weird game, but looks like it’s comming to an end soonish.

  • Urzahil

Watch Out Urzahil, we still have the Dwarf and the Cloud Lord to beat to win this game…


Aye… once you get a taste of blood and mayhem, it’s hard to shake it, and CL has tasted a LOT of blood :slight_smile:

And he shall taste more… The FP steam is running out. Powerful emissaries stealing villages in the south whilst we steal the Cities on the Anduin. What are we stealing next? Have another village Elrond…

It’s FP connect the dots streaming into the North Gate. My oh my. Gonna call this the game? They bust in we’re done, they don’t - you’re done…? :smiley:

GAME OVER :wink: see you

Interesting to read all this now the game is over and the FP actually won, eh :slight_smile:

My comeback game after a few years away, so didnt take part in much. Good play and lousy play on both sides, and some interesting Neutrals.

Pretty much a standard game as I remember them. Might sign up in another :slight_smile:

Ulrik B., Cardolan

Ulrik, excellent to see you’re back… Please do sign up for another~!

Brad B