1650 Game 86

People pay good money to play this game the way they like. The impacts on others is, well, highly subjective and something we argue about on other threads ad nauseum, it seems… But it is quite apparent that the more people play ‘with’ others and the less they play “the way I want”, the more effective the group. Unfortunately, “the way I want” players are less prone to learning this lesson…

The only thing I’m certain of is that the Harad won’t talk to us.

This Harad player is a giant Arse!

Harad player, you suck and your mother dresses you funny. I will be sending an army to kick your butt before the free quit. I hope I can get as many of my allies to join me. I will not fight any free forces if they are attacking Harad in Harad. Harad is a neutral zone for me. If South and North Gondors join with me I will not attack you in Harad until the Harad are eliminated.

Frankly I hoped the Corsiars would have attacked him once all his forces went away. To say a game is done on turn four is beyond sensical. I am really tired of games not going to turn 10 anymore. I feel this is a major reason why we cannot get new blood into this game. Clint needs to figure out how to fix this. I keep wasting money on these games. Brad you have been in all the ones I have, are you not upset by this? The freeps haven’t lost all their starter forces yet or just have. The Noldo have not done anything and there is no pressure on Mordor. I haven’t seen the Sinda do anything and where is the Eothraim second wave.
So we killed a few chararcters. Maybe we iced four or six. You guys have 80 starters plus up to 40 new ones. A half a percent and you quit. You still have a presence on our side of the Anduin. So the Market is poor. We are putting in orders for turn 5. Am I the only one thinking things are getting out of hand?!? Is Grudge and Gunboat the only formats left?

Arrrrggg!!! :mad:

I want to blame Harad as well :slight_smile:

I to had great hopes that Corsairs would have trounched him after that disband of armies. I know for sure I would have done it!

We need to come to some agreement as players to rescue this game. With four neutrals not yet decided and the lines still very close to the opening we need to try and save this game. It will take forever to get another game going. Truely, the free agree? As the free side what do you guys think you need to balance the game? Should we see if the neutrals would consider changing their allegance to balance the game? Maybe we could have the neutrals remain as such until turn ten and allow us to just fight? What say the free nations about this? What do you guys need to have happen to reset the balance. Keep in mind this needs to be fair to us also and not penalize us for good coordination and gameplay. Maybe a complete armistice from turns seven through nine? I think all options need to be on the table.
Now with all that being said let the meat grinders be turned on and me and my ideas be tossed in:bash:

Agreed - the Corsairs should have run screaming onto Harad turn 2.

Agreed - short games are just dumb.

Am I upset? Not especially. Sad to some extent, yes. Not sure if it’s a particular game, the game, or if I should take it personally and slink off to Gunboats alone.

I don’t see a can of coke and a candle “saving” this game. If we actually had a 4-1 split already, and there were neturals actually making an impact in the game, I could appreciate the FP screaming bloody murder. But that’s not the case. I’ve heard rumours as to what the problem in this game is. We just play on, IMO.

I think one of the problems is that some people do not understand the significance of a neutral going one way or another from turn 0 or 1. It makes a huge difference to the game.

I have seen it twice in a row where a particular neutral went one way from turn 0 and by the time the other neutrals actually joined the game - the game was over.

I for one won’t fold and drop.

The DS outplayed us from turn 1, some of us played good as well, but the two Gondors, like me, made some silly mistakes…

That being said, I also think the DS has been slightly lucky with several things.

Harad (we guess) boosting the economy, is not helping us :slight_smile:
We realize this is out of the DS hands, but it doesn’t change the fact that although Harad might not have gone DS he’s still helping them.

Rhudaur joining the DS on turn 1, might be part our fault for not courting him properly and part that a DS Rhudaur just is more fun. But it doesn’t change the fact that the DS are 11 now, while the FP are 10.

We expect one specific neutrals joining the DS soon as well, but again that might be part our lack of throwing enough goodies at him :slight_smile:

Curse team on turn 1-2, is not a game turner, but it’s still something that hurts big-time. The Arth army is not a big deal, but loosing several thousand handsome dwarf soldiers was a HUGE deal!
Again, I’m certain this team has cost you to, likely three of your finest Nazgul’s and a ton of mage artifacts, so no small thing really.

I won’t drop
We are to blame for a good deal of this mess

But if the unnamed neutral goes DS within a few turns, then getting either of the two other talking neutrals (or Harad :rofl:), on turn 10 won’t help us much.
And then I can understand why some players might loose heart.

So please, don’t make it out as if this whole thing is due to some masterminded strategic moves :slight_smile:
It’s part good strategic gaming, part diplomacy, part our fault, part luck, and part neutrals seeing known faces on the DS side :stuck_out_tongue:

Who’s making it out as “masterminded strategic moves”…? If you’ve chosen to both 1) interpret something here as such and 2) take game-thread pbmforum posts as serious discussions than you are in need of a remedial perspective course… :smiley:

But seriously, this game is active and when it’s over, the team that deserves to win will. Pretty simple, and, regardless of how many feel when the subjective finger-pointing is reaching it’s predictable crescendo, the teams that win very very very much more often than not Deserve to. For many many many reasons…


BS Brad
(an unfortunate sign-off, I admit… :))

Neutrals suck. period. I am sorry for those who are playing them but it is truth to my eyes.

We can all save ourselves a ton of money on this by simply looking at and comparing our startups, asking the neuts which way they will go, and then simply drop or declare victory on turn 1…why waste the time and money?

I am seriously hoping that some of the Neuts immediately declare freep so that I might have a slight chance of enjoying this game. I would rather have a good fight and lose than have to deal with the defeatist attitude that seems prevailent these days.

Neutrals do suck and I am one of them in this game! I am Rhudaur!

Why did I go DS? Two reasons!

One: Considerably better diplomacy from the DS
Two: I have already played Rhudaur has a FP, but if the FP would have given me a good diplo effort early on I could have gone either way!

Price for me to go DS: Zero!

That being said the war in Eriador wages and its competitive! My going DS IS NOT a deciding factor in this game!


Someone got a good result on the plains, yes…? Where are the Noldo? I won’t say why, else his allies lynch him… :wink:

Cloud Lord, thanks a lot for the artifact.

Seems fair, you’ve had fun with it, now it’s our turn :hug:

South Gondor’s finest agents…

I see I’ve attracted some attention. LOOK AT ME!!! LOOK AT ME!!! Oh, Hi Dunsul…WATCH ME SWIM!!! WATCH ME SWIM!!!


Hmm… your fancy moves won’t distract me from my task of confiscating these pirate ships of your’s.

Find a proper job!

You’re getting nothing but a few hundred new refugees wandering about your shores. My insurance doesn’t pay out for “lost/missing” boats, so down they go and 60% comes back to me in time for the holidays. :slight_smile:



Has the great Ovatha gotten a virus on his navigation center?

Seems like he’s moving awfully close to my summer-cottage… but I guess it’s just to post camps, right?

If not, will the Free People please stop b****ing about how unbalanced this game is? :rolleyes:

Anyway, hope your “char-building factory” is set in highest gear, I’m talking US 2nd WW high gear! :fork:

Oh my, what a plethora of FP icons in the East. Do you really think we haven’t been waiting for this with baited breadth for weeks now? You’re too late, you’ll die. As will the fine citizens of Osgiliath. Good work, though. I sent a Toblerone to the Easterlings, I guess you trumped me, I should see if the Neuts have nut issues in my next game…


– Merry Chrismas – Happy New Year –
Will be a pleasure to share the battle fields with all of you …lets see how the new year starts …if it starts like it ends …not too bad :slight_smile:

Cheers Argeleb II

Looks like things did not go as well as you hoped there.

Easy come Easy go for those agent toys FP’s. You will see them again soon I’m sure. But its not going to be in a way you’re going to enjoy.

Turn 10 WK is down one village. I’m feeling good myself.