Clint has just informed me that we are down to 2 nations. C’mon people lets get this one started! There will be plenty of bloodshed for all!!
ooh… tempting. Off to sign up now
Excuse me guys, but there is already a game #99 running; a grudge game whose T1 was to have processed today (but did not due to a technical snafu in Cardiff, something about a rift in time or some such).
hehe - does that mean we get game 100? or game 1? Either way: cool…
Doesn’t matter to me, as long as I get to kill something!!:stab:
Jz signed up for this one as a freepie…the only thing left…I think…if this is the right game…
so whomever else may have signed up as a free nation…you get me as an “ally”
we’ll see…
Jz one of the free…maybe
I’ve been waiting forever for this game to start. Eons, at least.
Let’s get goin’!
Hi Jz.
Got stuck with FP heh:eek:
I asked for Game 99 and got Dark Lieutenants in Game 2:omg:
Good Game to All:D
Cardolan. Not my first choice, but I can work with it.
Who’s playing WK?