1650 GB Game 14

Who played NG? Total Domination - great job!

I had the Noldo teamed up with Kevin/Thavius as Haradwaith. It was very interesting and hard fought game in the south. Our plan was to use the Noldo to support the Harad exclusively. (Sorry Arthedain, I realize that put you in a bind, but if we had done otherwise, the south would have been lost. QA and Corsairs were expertly played and SG was focused elsewhere (not complaining about that).

Who played the other nations?


I played IK/LR, and my biggest feats were:

  • Removal of the two bridges, but not till turn 5/6
  • Retrival of #175, sorry DarkLt, think I stole it from you…
  • Retrival of #4, think SG agent had a mishap in Mordor…

That’s it really…

I failed to:

  • Get economy build up
  • Stop IK from bankrupt
  • To secure 3024

    List is quite long really… never really accomplished anything great, no memorable agent battles.

Didn’t help the first dragon encountered ate my best IK emmis, second dragon ate my second best LR emmis…

NG/Dun inside Mordor, roaming free, killed DS, no doubt about that.


NG/Duns signing in :slight_smile:
I had great pleasure and enjoyment playing this game. Instead of moving through the Ithril gate instantly, all NG/Duns cav moved south and attacked Mordor from below. This turned out to be an astonishing success as by turn 12 I had destroyed/taken 4 MT’s (3630, 3629, 3627 and 3426) and 4 towns (3626, 3428, 3528 and 3529), while main Inf pushed through the Ithril gate and wiped 3224 together with SG. This caused the death of FK, CL and Rhudaur followed once his homeland was taken…

I then switched my attention towards the south to help out “poor” Harad. The next 8 turns NG then took 3533, 3234, 3335, 3437 and 3034, which caused the death of QA quickly after. From 3034 NG invaded Corsairs and took 2438, 2339 and 2039, while Harad attacked the northern Corsairs which ended his life.

As IK and WiK had collapsed when we hit wintertime, the DS finally conceded turn 22. DS did though manage to take out NM early in the game, which may be why they didnt concede earlier. All in all a great game and NG only lost two commanders (to curze) in the entire game :slight_smile: I’m happy to exchange turns, if anyone is interested.

Final standings without VC:

  1. NG - 1850 VP
  2. Duns - 1583 VP
  3. Woodmen - 1425 VP

Kim Andersen

I played the Woodman/Arthedain.

I was doing good with both nations – Managed to take 2715, 2305 and 2703 all by myself with the Woodman. Around turn 5 or 6 when I was getting ready to move onto 2305 and reconned and noticed no WK army on it, along with me running all my starting Arthedain troops except my calvary towards WK/Rhudaur, along with my second wave of troops and running into that same HUGH rhudaur army three times – It was at this point I realized that Cardolan wasn’t throwing his troops at them either and I might be in trouble with the Arthedain.

Then noticed a dark Icon on my northern map and the turn after this army showed up on 1006 and another evil icon one hex away from my capital – I knew I was gonna lose it.

Lucky for me I had taken all my calvary and was recruiting at 1106 and whittle down the army evil army on 1006 that was all HC. This evil army then went onto take 1106 and met up on my capital to help take that. If this army would have went to my rear, it and I would have been toast – I then made armies on everyone of my towns with calvary being made on 0907. The WK then moved on bree and then for some reason went to 1609 instead of 1109, where I got lucky and finally got the hobbits. I gave the woodman back-up to the arthedain to keep him in.

I then moved back to retake 1006 and 1106 and when the WK split off his calvary that helped take 1407 the Noldo – thank God, along with a Woodman calvary army stopped the WK dead at 1109. At the same time as I said the WK went to 1609 with his big army and I moved out the turn before the WK calvary arrived on 1109 with my army and the Hobbits and took back Bree and moved on 1407 and threathened it back and just in case emmied it with Woodman emmies and they got it from Arthedain.

as this was going on – I realized that the WK must be running a high tax rate, and thus sent the woodman emmies and managed to take 2005 and 2006, and it was around this time the WK nation went dead.

I am not finished – the WK along with the Dark Lts meanwhile, took there sickness squad and parked it on 2711 (arthedain new capital), but I was smart enough to move a woodman army here with about three character on it – so they sickness one, then I think a second and went to 2305 where they sickness that guy and emmied back 2305. then went back to 2711 – but moved more Woodman characters on the army and made one with Arthedain and three characters also. At this time I moved my 48 agent with 34 on stealth tried to Kidnap Murazor but got caught – my agent escaped to the same hex and the next turn I said screw it and went for an assasination on Bolvag and got 36 and 86. Then assasinated Urzahil the turn after with the same agentand got 82 off Urzahil. Then blew through a dark Lt agent and assasinated feagwath, man was I on a roll.

Then moved this agent over to 2005 and tried for Angulion but seen the Sinda Tharudan in my pop and he beat me to that assasination. So moved him over to 1109 and assasinated Durkarian and got all the command arties. then went to 1804 and assasinated Ashdurbak Zalg and Ulrac.

Thats 6 assasinations and on the final sheet – it has the dwarves with 5 kills as the most – think ME messed up on that one.

It was fun – balls to the wall game for me – least with Arthedain. Only question I have is what was Cardolan doing the first 10 turns.


Not a Problem, you showed up on 1109 at the right time and with the right troops as that was the last of the WK calvary. Wasn’t your job to help me either, I am not throwing blame as I enjoyed this game, and proved to myself that I could survive, but did the cardolan throw any troops at all towards Rhudaur in the first 10 turns – only ask this as I defeated 2200 starting WK troops around turn 2 then fought over 8k in troops of Rhudaur on turn 3, then next wave fought this rhudaur army again and final third wave fought it a third time – now around turn 9 or 10 and I realized I might be in deep doo-doo with Arthedain cause of this and no army on 2305.

Sounds like a good time for the Woodmen Mike, congrats~!

As for the above, I believe they only count kills for those nations with the “most kills” Victory Condition. What throws doubt on that is the poor odds the Dwarf would have that Victory Condition…???

QuitAvenger and Fire King here.

I missed my first turn but got saved by ME making a shadoworder for me
But since this didn’t include any naming of characters it hurt me regarding camps and such.

Economy hurt me as well.
But FireKing died due to the loose NG/Dun cavalry inside Mordor.

Lost a PC combat vs. Harad mage which I should have refused since I think this cost Corsair and me the victory over Harad.

Not my best game actually very bad game hope to do better next time.

Yep – got an e-mail from Rob and that is what he stated that only nations with the VC of ten kills or more gets added. Think they should revamp this as its misleading !!


Dear Mike,

Well played !!!
When I heard from diplos that WiK had invaded the Arthedain homeland and taken his capital I was deeply worried. Combined with the fact that Cardolan/Sinda was playing a pure character game with no armies on the field the entire game, I frankly thought that the NW was lost and the game about the go down the drain. I’m happy that you played this compo and could recover from such threat.

When Duns invaded Rhudaur with 6000 troops around turn 5/6, I certainly thought that there would be other allied assisting, but there wasnt and Rhudaur could just focus all troops on one invading nation at a time. There was a diplo around midgame from Cardolan/Sinda stating that this looked as this would be his first won game in years. Well I can certainly understand that, if this is how he plays his nations. As I understand Sinda did not aid Woodmen with anything in Lorien either right ? He did pick up RoW to his defense, but the question is how is was used. I did not hear of any hostile actions from Sinda in any of my rumors.

Nice kill rate with that agent. Impressive that you actually succeeded a kill at 48 skill, must have been one hell of stealth roll, and taking out high level Armycoms normally requires high agent skill. What was his skill level against the armycoms ?

Kim Andersen

Thanks Kim,

I got that agent with a 35 on stealth – one of the highest I ever had for stealth. He never actually killed an army commander – I defeated any evil armies and then he whacked the commander, exspecially on 1804 when I then took it with emmies. You actually probably saved my butt then if you sent 6k in troops around turn 5/6 – could be the reason why WK went to 1609 instead of into the rear of arthedain, as I was a little worried about Rhudaur then taking that hugh army of his and following up with the WK and then I would have had no doubt that I would be knocked out.

Arthedain supported woodman with gold the first 5 or so turn while Woodman built up to take 2305 , 2715 and 2703. By then I lost the Arthedain capital and it was him supporting the arthedain. I did run across one of your armies at 2208 – I went onto Rhudaurs capital with around 1700 HC with 7 war machines left on it (army used to take 2715) with Waulfa and came across Marendil one time hugh army – it had only around 1200 troops left and Rhudaur also had another 1800 troops there on 3 armies and I went for a capture and blew through all those troops and bounced off the walls seiging his capital – managed to capture one of his commander that had arties 10 , 60 and 120 of the dwarves – held them for one turn as waulfa got assasinated the next turn. So this was around turn 10 or so – so then knew that Rhudaur wouldn’t be a problem for arthedain.

Then started making HC with woodman on 0912 – village of Woodman’s to help Arthedain. As I said was one of the best games I played in a long time.

Excellent job goes to you for blowing through Mordor as you did – did it faster then I did when played NG/Duns :).


I played the Harad.

I was hard pressed from the jump with 3 nations attacking me. LR moved his army against me and I lost a town before I stopped him.

The QA moved several armies against me and I lost most of my navy destroying the QA navy. The turn after I left the QA capital I ran into the Corsair navy and lost the navy commander and the rest of my navy. I got lucky when the QA commander did not refuse and destroyed the QA army without a fight. We had stacked Shamara with artifacts since she came in with +15 to challenge. Shamara had about 140 challenge rank at that time (went up to 157). I splatted 3 armies in a row against the QA capital but couldn’t bankrupt him. However, NG came in 2 turns after that and captured the QA capital - good timing. I then moved to Vamag and Noldo moved to the north bank and we took all the QA MTs in one turn and bumped the QA out.

I was amazed at how many troops the Corsair kept sending against me. I knew my only hope was to recruit quality troops as I could not out recruit him. It worked - my main HC army never lost a battle. I managed to capture 2 Corsair MTs and a town with that army. That was the same army that took Vamag. If it is any consolation to the QA - I do not believe your refusing the challenge and fighting the battle would have changed the end result of the war in the south. The NG came in at the perfect time and snatched the Corsair capital bankrupting the Corsair.

The Harad was never in any danger of being put out. I had a MT and a town up in the Noldo area and had a lot of gold. I carefully managed my economy and was never in danger of bankruptcy. Toward the end of the game I even racked up a suplus of 30-40k in gold in case I completely lost the south bank.

Great game though. A lot of action. It was my first time ever playing the Harad. I believe I’ll do better the next time.