Who wants to play? 13Teddies is ready and willing…
Yeah, we’re undefeated :fork:
Scott Moyes is looking to play - he’s a solo player wanting to play all the nations. Would that be acceptable?
Clint (GM)
No thanks… Playing 1 player with 11 players is too large a mountain
to climb…
Anyone else??
So…this is a different group than the Free Peoples from Game 56…?
Yep, new and improved, LOL Wanna take a shot,
Very different besides Paul and me. You interested? :bash:
Which makes you unbeaten… Improved how, exactly? And no, the 56 DS are taking some weeks and then recombining in some alternate form likely also. Might morph 2 teams into one, requires Game 57 to end also. Have fun.
Well I can hear the proverbial fat lady warbling a few bars in G57…
Well, get on a move on… Chop chop
There must be some team out there ready to face the 13Teddies… come on, surely the name doesn’t put you all off…
What if the team were called Team Dogs B###ocks… would that make you want to challenge??
There must be some team brave enough???
trying to put a team together…have three so far. Which side do you intend to play?
We’re prepped for either side, how long will it take you to get the rest of your team together, BTW, are you related to Guy, LOL
Nope…not related to Guy…lol but more vicious since I’m not a happy mad cat. Hopefully will be able to get team together over the weekend…would probably be interested in playing the freeps. How are you proposing splitting the neutrals?
We’ll take DS, no problem, usually neutral split, no EA, Rudy and Harad for DS, Dunn and Corsair for the Freeps,
Undefeated teddies! They must have beaten the stuffings out of 13 pillow chasers!
But from sound of the split and the starter of this thread, sounds like the same grouping that formerly claimed undefeated status…
If the cast of characters is aggreable maybe this undefeatable spirit should oppose these Teddies!
Just you??? LOL
Just me running a whole team would be totally unfair to the teddies …
besides I’m nowhere well off enough to pull such a stunt like that.