Just wondering if there are any 1650 grudge teams out there with games that are winding down?
Our team capt. is probably going to be posting up looking for opposition soon. (if he hasn’t already)
Just wondering if there are any 1650 grudge teams out there with games that are winding down?
Our team capt. is probably going to be posting up looking for opposition soon. (if he hasn’t already)
Yeeeeeeeeeah, we just beat up on some DS, we’ll take you on, Hey wait, which Darrel are you??? We have a Darrel on our team, LOL
He can’t be on your team, he’s Another Darrel…not yours…
You won a game and I was’nt in it Halex? Hold on its probably why you won the
game! Lol
I was going to mention that to you, but I bit my tongue, didn’t wanna hurt your feelings,
Yeah, I chose Another Darrel to make sure no one confused me with the very well known original Darrel.
I’m only playing on one team right now and generally only play one game at a time (this time of year) as it’s all the time I can reasonably spend on the game.
Waaahahahahaaha, thats it Halexa you’re off my Xmas card list! LOL
There are three Darrell’s that I know of for sure:
dshimel (I call him the “original” Darrell, or “PRS-hating” Darrell)
darrell (Me. Sadly, my last name also starts with an S…terribly confusing)
Another Darrel (this is the Darrel from this thread, about whom I know woefully little. hi!)
Whoops! I didn’t know there were TWO more Darrel’s (or Darrell’s lol).
I had just assumed that you were dshimel also for some odd reason.
Also, my last name also starts with an S! Which made me go for my “another” moniker.
Nice to meet you Darrell.
I live in Kansas City and am an actuary by profession. Been playing here maybe 18mos. but love the game and will be around for a long time.
I have been playing on Team Simpson (much to my good fortune to land with such a good group of gamers) but will probably pick up a second game here in the summer.
Greetings Darrell,
Brad, Betty, Michael & co ?
If it’s true that Vandal will retire and that’s what he has written to me, we’re ready to rumble !
Have Fun !
What? Vandal is retiring, a loss for the legend? Inconceivable;-)
Well, Frank should speak for himself. His team in game 15 is currently voting as to whether to continue or not. Gixxer - do you have any input? I assume that if we want to continue, your team is ok with that?
We won’t drop, never did, never will, wanna start something with us,
I can’t imagine why Team Gixxer wouldn’t want to continue Game 15 if at all possible. Who wants to pay for a Grudge setup for it to fall apart after turn 1? Hopefully the remaining FP Team members in Game 15 will choose to continue, even if it means shoving the due date back another week or whatever, I don’t think anyone on the DS team is looking forward to paying for a new setup and going through another round of Turn 0 planning so soon.
Hi there Dave,
I’ve sent a message to Harley telling them that we will delay the turn for two weeks.
Next due-date : Monday the 27th of March.-
The Circle would like to play further on.-
Do you think you’re able to reorganize the team ?
Please contact me (gkille@web.de ) to speak about the future planning.
Have Fun !
Note things are still under negotiation. Hold onto your hat and I’ll keep you informed as approrpiate.
At present there are many mixed messages going around - I think I’ve got it covered but who knows what’s around the corner?
Game 15 will definitely be delayed but other than that it’s up in the air at present about who’s playing etc.
What hat ?
Do you mean this circle of light above my head ?
Have Fun !
Hold onto your hat
Sorry that’s a collolquialism - it means be patient in this context.
I know !
Have Fun !
Many things get out of context when it goes wrong and I am but a Legend in my own lunchtime only.
As regards the question of a team drop look at the context and not the plain answer and understanding may follow.