1650 Gunboat no-quit game needs one player

What I would really like to see is a 1turn/week gunboat game.
I mean signing up for a no-quit game might entail 50 turns = 2 years of play. There is no way I could commit to that length of time.

While I realise that it would be twice as costly for the participants, there is in my opinion no reason to have 2 weeks go by since there is no communication between the players and that is what takes up the time in normal games.

“A 1turn/week I will not quit the first 15 turns” game would be ideal for me.
Perhaps I am just spoiled by having visited the F2F event where you can actually develop a nation in less than half a year.

Also I would limit the length of the game to 30 turns, not 50.

Upto you guys what you want but we tried to get something like it off the ground before and I’d say there’s not a big chance of success.


Well those changes are quite small in so far as I would remove a few ports on the northmen pop centres and even out the Rhu add on and make the LR work for his living.

WK/Dark L far to strong return the Wk to LR and Rhu to the Dark L.

With no messages leave the good side alone otherwise as the sides look fine.
