Gunboat two player teams game set-up.
This may take a while to get going, but what is the interest in the following test design for a gunboat game.
- Each pair of nations is controlled by one of the following:
a. 2 players, one per nation.
b. 1 player with 1-2 “back-up” additional people who receive the turns of the nations. - Each player pair or group of players agrees before the game starts to take over any nations dropped by the other player (so a two nation pair agrees if one quits, the other takes over both. If it is a single player, if he quits his back-up(s) take over).
- Player pairs who drops both their positions (i.e. the player pair and back-ups all quit) agree to find a back-up player to take over before dropping. If no one can be found over a 4 week (2 turn) period, only then can 3 nation pairings be created (and these are to follow the current rules which include some pairings not allowed to pick up specific nations, NE and CL can not be paired with a double scout and no triple pairing for the CL).
- A reasonable good faith is assumed (i.e. the players will not just purposely bankrupt themselves).
- Player teams who end the game with at least one active nation (or were bankrupted on the final turn of the game) get a free turn applied to their next game (or as a refund) to their account/accounts for every ten turns the game survived (0 for turns 1-10, 1 for turns 11-20, etc). (This assumes Clint goes for this, it is the amount of discount currently applied as a “free turn” for single players playing two nations who get a free turn for 1 nation every 5 turns).
- Only changes to set-ups include the current standard (which I believe is CL towns split to become a MT and a Village), all standard 1650 pairings.
If your interested, post here (but PLEASE REFRAIN FROM POSTING NATION or SIDE PREFERENCES). We need 6 pairing sign-ups to start a game listing. Sign up as a pairing, single with back-up, as a single who wants to play but does not have a “back-up”, or as someone who is willing to be someone else’s back-up.