Greetings all ,
Noldo checking in here , So the Dance begins , Neutral please contact me either here or at , evils can do the same if feel so inclined
Good gameing to everyone
Mike – Elrond’s Ambassador
Greetings all ,
Noldo checking in here , So the Dance begins , Neutral please contact me either here or at , evils can do the same if feel so inclined
Good gameing to everyone
Mike – Elrond’s Ambassador
The Dance of Death it is to the free Peoples of Middle Earth…
The Dragon Lord sends greeting to those who wish to join with Sauron the great, and also those whose leaders shun the true path…
Feel free to contact me by email
Dave - servant to Khamul
“And I danced and I pranced and I sang with them, All had death in their eyes
Lifeless figures they were undead all of them, They had ascended from hell”
Dance of Death - Iron Maiden
<sharpening knives> And so it begins…
All seeking the Lord of the Clouds may send messengers to
Neutral messengers will be safe and well treated. :hug:
We make no guarantees as to the health and well-being of any messengers from the Free.:fork:
Mark – messenger of Ji and crew
(CL, g76)
Good game to all.
Corsairs here. Hopefully this will be an interesting game. NYPD…I don’t think I have seen you listed for about 10 years.
Good Luck all!!!
Hello Mark – we are on Opposite side this go around and you got my favorite nation of all .
Orillion Long time it has been , Good to see you again – let us know what you desire for Good Alliegiance and we shall make it so :).
Mike – Pointy ear’d one
Hehe, I recognise all the names here! Sorry for the battering we gave you in 59 Mike!
Dunlendings signing in, my first venture as a neutral since my return to ME!
I’ve spent quite a bit of time considering how I would play the Duns having recently played the WK, Arthedain and NG.
In the next couple of days I’ll issue some detailed notes about what my intentions are for the first few turns of the game and some conditions that I would like both sides to consider. These will have a bearing on my decision to turn good or evil.
All diplomacy will take place on this forum. I will leave my e-mail address at the bottom of this post should anybody wish to contact me, however, please do not expect a direct response for the first few turns.
The exceptions to this are from the other neutral players who I would like to contact, especially Rhudaur for obvious geographical reasons.
Let the battle commence!
From Enion, an interested spectator!
Alan Gowler
Hey guys! I recognize everyone so far as well!
Mike, hope we all have a great game this go. Yep, I was pleased to draw 'ole Ji this time around. Actually, you got my second-choice nation, so I think that you’ll have a blast with the NE as well.
Alan, we seem to be in more games together than not these days, eh? I understand your conditions for diplos and will be happy to abide them. You are always welcome to contact me for any info beyond what’s on the board (as are all neutrals, of course). I’ll look forward to seeing your thoughts on what will tempt you to the warm embrace of the great and mighty Sauron.
Orillion, good to see you again as well, although maybe we’ll wind up on the same side this game. Are you still best reachable at the yahoo address?
Mark (CL)
Greetings from the Sindar!
Any who wish to parlay with the Lords Tranduil and Amroth may do so at (smelly orcs need not apply unless they promise to bathe first).
Regardless of what side you take in the conflict, I wish you all the best of luck.
Ah – game 59 – that was one of those free games that where against us from the start – main reason why I hate playing the free is that reason and can’t understand it either – why play if not gonna play or drop before turn 5 and really screw our side up !!
So far all freeps are talking in this game – so am praying this games isn’t like that one !! Funny thing in 59 we located the One Ring that last turn (had been trying for last 4 turns) and since it was two turns away from Dark Lts capital we decide to throw in the towel as we didn’t think we would pull it off with resources we had left !!
And Alan if decide to go evil least give us a heads up not like the dun in 59 – but I shall be telling Cardolan to take down that bridge anyways to keep you Honest !!
Hey Mike, how ya liking the Florida weather, like they say down here, “wait 5 minutes and it’ll change again”,
Ahh… this I am assuming is a dig at me… As I was Eothraim when this game started, but had to drop on turn 4… (My Job meant that I ended up working abroad for 6 months, and couldn’t contine) I advised my team ( and ME) of what was Happening, I even offered to pay for the next few turns until a full time replacement could be found, To which the team said that was fine… Sorry mate… not my fault this game went belly up…
Actually no --wasn’t you – you where upfront and gave us time to get replacement – was one nation that never gave us that chance – wish more player where like you , as if i couldn’t continue I would at the minumum do what you did and you even went beyond that offering to pay , so no you where more then Honorable
And it wasn’t just that – duns japping Cardolan crippled the NW can make out a list – even I am to blame to – lost interest and was just doing turns as I joined with 3 others and couldn’t just drop on them – not the way I play leaving allies hanging !!
But when the duns did what he did – and am not blaming him either as it was his nation to run as he wanted – knew that game was lost and told my teammates and even the duns this game was a freep loss !! Just took my allies about another 10 to 15 turns to realize it to !!
ouch mate, that was bad…
Well I’ll make ya a deal… Send you armies against me, just keep throwing them against the walls, to relieve the tension, Then I’ll mop em up for ya…:D:D
Actually looking forward to this game… first game since coming back… AND the good thing is no chance of getting shipped abroad again… new job and based near home… :D:D
Well thats good for thm and bad for us
The Rhudaur sends his best wishes to both, Free people as well Dark Servants.
You are ready to start a war and …
… we, the Rhudaurs, want to join. History without making war is no real history. Therefore our troops are ready to marsh in the battles. Unfortunately we have to manage our economy. This will take some time to arrange this bad stuff of o kingdom.
In the meantime I, Arfanhil, would welcome messengers of both sides. Nevertheless, I want one contact to whom the Rhudaurs can freely speak.
I would apreciate an abassador in the name of the mighty Witch-king and of the powerful Elrond. In case they cannot negociate for their side I accept of course an other ambassador.
You are welcome in my hall. Name
and you get an audience.
Greetings Arfanhil…
I have sent a message to Carn Dum asking by Brother to contact you…
In the meantime, I am open to any contact from you…
Greeting Arfanhil,
Don’t be fooled by Khamul and his so called Brother – they are nothing but lap-dogs of the biggest dog of them all – Sauron – so dont be fooled by the Dark and wind up in servatude – Join Me and our Brotherhood and truly be free !!
Thanks for your offer, dear Khamul.
I heard a lot of you, but the truth is, that they people tell strange stories which are difficult to believe them all. In fact you are an awesome person and it would be a pleasure to meet you personally, one great leader. I am sorry for the distance created by the great mountains between our capitals. At the moment my kingdom is limited til this border. First I hope to get notice from Murazor and afterwards I hope to maintain a contact regarding to share infos…
what a special moment to hear your words. Don´t judge my people only because of their attitude towards fighting. We are no folk of great wisdom but we know the rules of war. It is my task to join by time one side. In the meantime I try not to be fooled by nobody. I will consider wisely the consequences of an early engagement.
Would you mind to tell me about your brotherhood and we can start to improve our relations?