1650 pos and BREE articles

I have been considering new positions to play in 1650. I read everything I can get my eyes on from the game website and the bobbins page. My problem is when I look at how these positions are played in games I’m already in they don’t mesh many times.

I mean no disrespect to those who may have written articles before that are posted on a website; but it seems to me the information is out-dated. I would request, in view of other requests for new bree articles, that some consideration be given to writing new articles about S & T related to these positions.

More specifically, if you have a general FAQ article about this or other aspects those would be good also I think for newer players.

Finally, if you have suggestions for these positions: BS, LR, WK, DK Lts, and dont’ want to submit an article if you would consider sending me an email at twilighthammr@yahoo.com I would be most appreciative.

Thanks for whatever discussion this generates.

Jason M. Roberts

Most of the articles were written 6, 8. or even up to 10 years ago.

People have learned new strategies. The HIGH level of communication made possible with email and web groups and pdf have truely changed the game.

Most of the articles were written assuming something closer to gunboat than the typical game of today.

bingo! Darrell has it 100% right.

Speaking personally, please don’t read the articles i wrote for MoS and think that they apply today. Those MoS articles were written at a time when MEPBM was relatively new and 2x4 card diplos, USmail, or expensive long-distance phone calls were the intra-team communication methods.

Now, .xml, palantir, .pdfs, yahoo groups, autominister, etc. all allow a completely different perspective on what’s going on each turn. There is a vastly improved global perspective. Additionally, teams that don’t truly play as an allegiance suffer, for the other side is probably playing that way (not as a bunch of individual nations). Artifacts migrate to the best&highest-use characters very quickly. money and resources flow to where they’re needed. pop centers are redistributed to who can best use them. Poor starting characters kamakazi on high-challenge allies… etc

none of that happened in the old days. GB is a lot closer to the old days.

I agree with everything said above. From the point of view of News from Bree, the object of printing somemolder S&T articles was precisely to provoke this kind of debate :slight_smile: The fact remains, however, that it’s been a long age of man since anyone submitted any new S&T articles for Bree looking at individual nations.


I rather thought this was what you were looking for…but I’m but one voice of a ton of voices…anyway I’m cataloging some moves and information from a game I just joined in and will submit a game summary when it is over…though that may be a while indeed…

anyway I appreciate anything that gets done…


Jason the MorgulHammer, I join with you in seeking more up-to-date S & T articles. I will contribute what I can but must wait until my current Gunboat game is concluded. Until then, I read whatever I can get my grubby little hands on.

By the way, one of the reasons I chose the Gunboat format over the regular style games is that the information-sharing that takes place in regular games has, in my opinion, warped the game somewhat and removed much of the game’s original charm and suspense – much of which came from the limited amount of information available to you.

Good luck to you in your games. (Are you in game 86, by chance?)

As a matter of fact, no…I’m not but I am strongly considering playing in a gunboat game to see what the hubub is about… :slight_smile:

I am currently in gm 55 and 76. Freep player in both; and I was looking into playin a ds position other than the dragon lord (which I love and have played 3 times)…

it4now, Jason

Jason, please do give the Gunboat format a shot. I just started in game 86 and I’m already having loads of fun. Planning and strategizing are far more enjoyable to me done in private and in consultation just with myself. Clint has another 1650 Gunboat game filling right now. Send in your nation-pair preferences and get in on it.
