2 questions for experienced players

As a newbie, i face in my first game a hard situation :
my emissary (66) is facing an assassin (say 60-70 in agent skill, 0 in emissary). Our nations hate each other.

What are the odds of successfully doubling him ? 10%, 50% ?
I couldn’t find any hint on doubling probabilities.

Second question : if i use 2 medium guards (40 in agent) on the same commander, do their bonuses add to counter an assassination (as if i used an 80 agent) or are they treated by the program as independant guards, and therefore independant dead guards ?:mad:

There are numerous opinions on how easy/hard it is to double enemy characters, but two things seem essential: Ranks of the involved and relations. Noone (except the software) knows the exact formula, so it’s all speculation when someone say they can calculate a percentage of success. But in your case I’d estimate the odds as good :slight_smile:

Guards don’t stack. They are treated independently, so be careful.


Many thanks, Ulrik.
Really pity that guards don’t stack !!

Ulrik is correct. Noone knows the exact percentages, but I would take those odds and attempt a double. If he is a high powered assassin, i.e. if he has artifacts, he will blow through both your guards and potentially kill both of them. Your best chance of survival is the double.


Thank you

Another one.

3 commanders in an army.
Leader gets assassinated.

Which one gets the lead then :

  • best ranked commander ?
  • 50/50% between both remaining commanders ?

Best ranked has seniority. Very much of the game is common sense really, it’s that damnable randomization factor that throws people for a loop all the time - you can’t be any more than 95% sure of anything, not even your middle name, around here.

Originally posted by VEO
Best ranked has seniority. Very much of the game is common sense really, it’s that damnable randomization factor that throws people for a loop all the time - you can’t be any more than 95% sure of anything, not even your middle name, around here.

That’ll be ‘E’ then…or is it???

Army commanders. Its a bit sneaky but if you open your XML in Internet explorrer and cycle to where your charcaters are then you get the order they are in for that turn. Army command will go to the 1st of your commanders after the original character in the list.

Sssshhh, dont tell anyone.

Alan J.

not always bewst ranked, its just that starting chars are usually 1st in the list with newly created characters being added directly after the creating char for next turns processing. Aren’t XML processing files lovely?

Alan j.

I guess it is true that agents do not stack that way, but still I think it is highly likely two 40A guarding will stop a 70A assassinating. I would even say one 40A will be able to thrawd the attempt, depending on the presense of fortified pops enemy to the assasin etc. Anyway, if the assasin goes though the guards he will (close to always) only give his agent rank in damage to the guards. But note that the assasin will get an agent rank increase for each guard he goes through, so don’t just give away skill rank increase to the enemy by guarding e.g. with a 10A against a 80A assasin.

  • Jeppe