Since its been so long since I played I’m still gathering my feet under me.
Q1: Can a Mage practice a combat spell while traveling with an army?
Q2: What is different about how Locate Artifact spells are determined to to be successful? The book reads “casting is successful (except spells 412, 418, 428)”.
What book and where is this…? There are some “double roll” orders and spells out there, I never knew the Arty Lore ones to be along those lines. My impression has always been that the power of the artifact was a variable on the roll - between Casting Rank, Natural Mage Rank, Artifact Power (RoW is more “powerful” than a +500 sword…) the formula is more than simply a die-cast on a single parameter. For example, with a casting rank of 75, depending on the artifact targeted and the natural mage rank, this probability might go up or down. Just guessing here, but either way the actual probability is calculated, the dice are rolled and you’re either Successful or Not - pretty cut and dried in my experience.