The Easterlings are destroyed or on their heels and the Nazgul remain pinned in Mordor. If not for the treacherous assistance of a dragon the Black Gate would be a twisted ruin by now.
Come, Dark Servants, what are your feelings on the game thus far?
I think the game is very interesting and very good challenges every turn, Fp I congratulate on you’re victories and many battles, but the war is far from over. But I do have to say there is a good challenge every turn. Now where did I put those knives…
wow no posting since last year it’s now Spring time and time for things to grow and some things to die? who’s with me oh thats right i have to come and find you. Now i will count to a nazgul 10 count and lets play hide and seek.
I thought there had been another topic since this one but I may be mistaken.
It has certainly been a slugfest all game, certainly one of the most enjoyable I have played in. While the DS have done a hell of a job and appear to have the advantage, the war still ain’t over yet.