I have ship anchored in an ennemy CP hex after losing a battle
I can only get them back by sending an army or navy there and pick up ships, correct?
Can I ask an ally to sail there and pick up ships?
Can I ask an ally to go there and capture/destroy ships?
The only way for the ennemy to know if there are ships there is do a 915, corret?
Thanks for your help these navy rules are quite counter intuitive…
1: yeah thats correct
2: No. A pre-requiste of the pick up ships order is that they belong to the army’s nation
3: No as for this order to work the ships needs to be considered owned by an enemy nation and you and your ally are not considered enemies.
4: 915 is the only way to be sure. But if you arrived at the hex as an offshore navy and attacked and lost. Then they’ll know your ships are in the hex as when an offshore navy attacks, it automatically anchors ships.