2950 Favourite Neutral

What’s your favourite 2950 Neutral?

Glad to see the Khand getting some votes. Juggernaut of a nation if given 6-8 turns and overlooked a lot

Nah Dunlands th powerhouse. Corsairs and Khand too close to the action. Duns are the game killers if left alone.

Definitelly Dunland are by far the most powerful nation.
Indeed Dunland can easily beat White Wizard and rectruit Saruman.
No other neutral can compare with their habilities, character game and recruiting ratio.


It would be interesting to see more votes for this one.


It is not that one nation shines far above others, each but one has some strong points and weaknesses which suits a player more or less. My own favourite are Duns but not by a wide margin.

It’s more like the poor Rhuns have no claims at all to fame


Greetings Warlords,
the 2950-games aren’t my normal playground, but I’m playing the Duns in one of this games.
It was really easy to make them to the most powefull nation of the game.

Bye, Gixxx

Rhun, of course! You want to play an underdog, near impossible nation, this is the challenge. Of course, I never played it, as go figure I made it first choice in my 2950 game and Clint said give me more choices, yours are already taken by at least 2 others…