Khand Easterlings checking in.
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Be sure to remove your pants before writing.
Khand Easterlings checking in.
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Be sure to remove your pants before writing.
Khand Easterlings, I tried sending to your email addy and got a mailer-daemon. Love to chat ya up, though.
Dennis, Ice King
I will play the part of the Dog Lord in this one. I apologize but for various reasons am only able to access internet through my phone. I should be back home this weekend sometime and will catch up then. David
Did you try removing your pants?
Did you try removing your pants?
I really shoulda caught that… headdesk
I dropped my pants but it’s not helping.
Hello. Brian here. I just respawned! I’ll be using the Northern Gondor mod this time around. No campers! (except all the camping, obviously.) I hope everyone has their Mountain Dew and Rush mix-tapes ready… let’s do this!
Pointy Eared Baby Stealers are prepared to wage war upon the Goth wannabe servants.
I encourage all un-uglyorc peoples to join in on the Eye poking that is ready to commence.
*Note, Uruk Hai are half-human so they are not fully ugly just half ugly, we can tolerate half-ugly… I mean we tolerate dwarves.
The Humble Noldo
CL checking in especially want to shout out to all the neutrals in this game Khand we have met, and discussed. Looking forward to a good game…