Greetings to all the peoples of Middle Earth. Ice King checking in! You may contact me at
On a more serious note, let the :bash::fork::stab:begin!!
Greetings to all the peoples of Middle Earth. Ice King checking in! You may contact me at
On a more serious note, let the :bash::fork::stab:begin!!
Noldo checking in to defeat Saurun once and for all, before we depart to the Undying Lands.
Neutral emmisaries are wellcome in Imladris.
Sinda here …we are throwing a feast for all the undecided in middle earth…an YES elves can party…contact me at gator
Khand Easterlings here.
I look forward to envoys from all parties.
I can be contacted at
Greeting all ,
Silvan checking in, Death to Sauron’s Lackeys , Neutrals await your emissaries , can contact me privately at or on here !!
You picked wrong again Mike. Dragonlord here!:bash:
yes they sure can… when sinda lady’s party even trolls get lucky!
Neutrals hiding…?
Well I guess 2 out of 5 is a fairly good turn-out
Not hiding we are just watching from our tower in the middle of Mordor waiting for a hint of the strenght of both sides. We welcome all here for now soon our armies will welcome war what side will meet destruction? We will wait and see who wants blood and who will offer it. White Wizzard here
maybe so maybe so but those trolls be crying for their mama’s before the party ends
You better plan very carefully when dealing with this Dragonlord… but please come visit with those elves right away! I just love it when i give surprises!
now Mike what on earth was you thinking! sending me popcorn armies to my capitol you should have known better!
dragon lord did the game company notify you that they had made a data entry error? in case they didnt there is a sinda army on 2715. this is not a brag or a barb they did make that error so you should show a sinda army there. you more than likly know but just in case in the interest of fairness i wanted to mention it. gator
yes they did… Makes Life a little tougher next turn… Had they not fixed their error the situation would have been easier for Dragonlord.
Hopefully i can make life interesting for the next set of Com’s visiting!
an whats with casting that baby magic on CELEB. you are going to have to do that 6 more times to get rid of him. and yes he is refusing this turn…
Well I think the point is well taken by now… come to my capitol at your characters own risk… I noticed he doesn’t want to try it again!
Oh thanks FP for all the training and extra moral you giving me every turn… It must hurt knowing your doing so little at Dol Gudor!