I played Riders of Rohan with Kevin playing the Noldo.
Who played NG? Seemed he had a great start and put a hurt on the DS, but my army was stopped by Pelargir this turn so the position must have been inactive even though it was not listed as put out.
The Riders were in desperate straights early in the game between the Dog pouring his armies into the gap as well as agents from three nations knocking off my commanders.
I played Sinda and WW. NGo did most of the heavy lifting, but for some reason went inactive about 5 turns back. He single handily eliminated #20, #14, #18, and #16 as far as I could tell. By the time I finally burned the Dog,s capital he was inactive and there was nothing else for me to capture in Mordor.
Good game team FP. It was a bit precarious in the gap of rohan for a bit at the start but in the end we all pulled through.
I was the Cor/WK combo - very hard game for me with the WK capital going very early but kept up a good run of hitting the FP throughout. Corsair ecnomy was stupid by the end of the game!