2950 Gunboat Game 27 ends with DS Victory

I(Fred Young) was playing the Ice King/Blind Sorcerer. Steve McAbee was my partner til he had to bow out early on for personal reasons.

In the beginning of the game I was concentrating on getting artifacts for agents and mages. After about turn 15 I was mainly using my mages and agents with what little military I had to protect around Mordor. Once we broke thru to Minas Tirith I was able to go on the offensive and hit Rohan and White Wizard while trying to dodge the Sinda/Rangers who took interest in my nations as the White Wizard was starting to crumble. Late game I made a military push at the Sinda but the first army with war machines didn’t make it there after fighting battles 3 or 4 turns in a row and the second one didn’t have the strength to take it without war machines but did get there for emmies to take the place if game would have gone longer. Turn 32 was able to form a second curse company but was light on artifacts for casting for another turn or so.

Here is my long synopsis of actions.

Turns 1-5
Located 1, 4, 15, 21, 42, 169, 175,
Recovered 1 Ring of Wind and captured Gildor trying to steal it turn 4.
Recovered 175 Ring of Curufin turn 5, and Gildor escapes as expected.
Cast Reveal Nationality turn 5 on Elvira who had Tinculin encounter turn 4, found out they didn’t exist. Abdahkil follows suit and dies to spirits and wights at Tinculin encounter on turn 5 also.
Sabotaged bridge at 2928 on turn 2.
Lugronk failed to destroy bridge at 3024 on turn 2.
Lugronk dies in a blaze of glory or running for his life turn 3.
Character Losses: Mine Killed 2, Enemies Killed 0

Turn 6-10
Located 39, 44, 187, 189,
Located 9 Elenya on Urzahil turn 9.
Located 135 Elenruth on Helkama turn 10.
Recovered 4 Ring of Impersonation on turn 7.
Recovered 42 Collar of Might on turn 7.
Recovered 44 Collohwesta on turn 7.
Recovered 169 Gurthang on turn 7.
Recovered 15 Tinculin on turn 9.
Recovered 189 Blue Ring on turn 9.
Akhorahil learns Curses.
Character Losses: Mine Killed 2, Enemies Killed 0

Turn 11-15
Located 12 Nenya on Galadriel turn 11.
Located 126 Anarmacil on Feamire turn 11.
Located 64 Bracers of the Mists on Lindal turn 12.
Located 1 Ring of Wind on Tharudan turn 14.
Recovered 39 Miramarth turn 11.
Gorthog kills Groin of Dwarves in Personal Challenge turn 11.
Turn 12 Doubled Feamire at 2514 and wounded him as he was guarding Galadriel, remains doubled the entire game.
Turn 12 Gorthog injures Feamire and Angelimar trying to kill Galadriel ultimately failing to tight security. Had Ring of Wind stolen so bad turn for me. Angelimar is assassinated.
Turn 14 Assassinate Elrond and injure Cirdan at 2715. Getting his ring makes up a bit for losing Ring of Wind.
Ethacali, Naldurgarth and Rokmog all learns Curses.
Character Losses: Mine Killed 2, Enemies Killed 3

Turn 16-20
Curse out Koldana of Northmen getting rid of his army turn 16.
Curse out Erkenbrand of Riders of Rohan turn 17.
Curse out Aonghas of Dunlendings turn 18.
Curse out Brelas of Noldo Elves turn 19.
Curse out Widfara of Riders of Rohan turn 20.
Kidnap Deinala of Noldo Elves turn 16.
Naldurgarth kidnapped turn 20 by unknown agent losing 11 Vilya.
Locate 135 Elenruth on Voisiol turn 19.
Double Brelas of Noldo turn 16.
Double Lindal of Silvan Elves turn 16, remains doubled entire game.
Double Freinala of Noldo Elves turn 20.
Character Losses: Mine Killed 2, Kidnapped 1, Enemies Killed 8, Kidnapped 1.

Turn 21-25
Locate 11 Vilya on Heliosafarin turn 21.
Cast Curses 2 times on Bill Ferny of White Wizard hoping he guards Bugrug of White Wizard turn 21.
Assassinate Bugrug of White Wizard and Kill Bill Ferny who was guarding as hoped for on turn 21
My Emmies take 2924 Minas Tirith.


Hoarmurath and Storlaga learns Curses.
Assassinate Cresthelm of Riders of Rohan turn 23.
Fail to kill Arunhelm and Elfhild of Riders of Rohan turn 23.
Curse out Elfhild of Riders of Rohan turn 24.
Kidnap Arunhelm of Riders of Rohan turn 24.
My Emmies take 2321 Edora.
Curse out Dawnstar of White Wizard turn 25.
My Emmies take 2121 Hornburg.
Unknown agent at White Wizard capital assassinates Lorgan 77E of mine.
I fail on 3 assassination attempts to tight security, loyalty here is Fanatical.
Character Losses: Mine Killed 4, Kidnapped 1, Enemies Killed 13, Kidnapped 2.

Turn 26-30
Rokmog learns Reveal Pop Center turn 26, has no artifacts.
My army commander Eggsucker 30C at Edoras is assassinated turn 26.
Assassinated Hathaldir of White Wizard turn 26.
Curse out Durbuhuk of White Wizard turn 28.
My Borthand 77E assassinated by still unknown agent at White Wizard capital.
Assassinated Widfara of White Wizard turn 28.
Assassinated Spencer of White Wizard turn 28.
Assassinated Artimir of White Wizard turn 28.
Killed Curendor of Noldo Elves in Personal Challenge turn 29.
Cursed out Pelnimloth of Noldo Elves turn 29.
Stole 41 Mantle of Doriath from Noldo turn 29.
Cursed out Ascarnil of Noldo Elves turn 30.
Assassinate Berris of Noldo Elves turn 30.
Character Losses: Mine Killed 6, Kidnapped 1, Enemies Killed 22, Kidnapped 2.

Turn 31-35
Curse out Widfara of White Wizard turn 31.
My Felgar 54A is assassinated by unknown agent at White Wizard capital, my scouts suck.
Rokmog reveals 2514 Sinda Capital turn 31.
Stole 13 Narya from Gandalf the Grey, 2 enemy female agents in the hex.
Kidnapped Elfhelm of White Wizard turn 31.
Kidnapped Urthel of White Wizard turn 31.
Kidnapped Valacar of White Wizard turn 31.
Located 11 Vilya on Carrog turn 32, Naldurgarth escapes from being hostage at same time. Wonder who carrog killed.
Curse out Thranduil of Silvan Elves turn 33.
Turn 33 roll out the red carpet Sinda and Rangers are at Ice King capital for a visit.
Executed Arunhelm of Riders of Rohan turn 33.
Curse 2 times on Vanariel of Sinda Elves, third cast failed turn 33.
Curse out Malantur of White Wizard turn 34 finally got the guy killing me.
Curse out Ar-Fachani in my pop center turn 34. Apologies if this was an ally. Was taking pressure from elves in this area at the time.
Assassinated Finarfin of White Wizard turn 34.
Assassinated Haleth of White Wizard turn 34.
Assassinated Arassuil of White Wizard turn 34.
Locate 1 Ring of Wind on Din Ohtar with nation message Din Ohtar killed Elladan turn 35.
Character Losses: Mine Killed 7, Kidnapped 0, Enemies Killed 30, Kidnapped 4.

Turn 36-40
Killed Soronume of Dunadan Rangers in Personal Challenge turn 36.
Locate 154 Ring of Bleeding on ground at Dk. Lts capital turn 37.
Curses out Aragorn II of Dunadan Rangers turn 38.
My army commader Hurzog Assassinated turn 38.
Find 154 Ring of Bleeding at Dk. Lts capital turn 38.
Rokmog reveals 2209 Imladris turn 38.
Assassinated Rian of White Wizard turn 38.
Assassinated Dunhere of White Wizard turn 38.
Assassinated Braega of Woodmen turn 38 in my pc.
Assassinated Widfara of White Wizard turn 38.
Curse out Estelmo of White Wizard turn 40.
My Emmies take 2119 Angrenost finally.
Rokmog reveals 2314 Nanduhirion turn 40.
Assassinated Vanariel of Sinda Elves turn 40.
Character Losses: Mine Killed 8, Kidnapped 0, Enemies Killed 38, Kidnapped 4

Turn 41-44
Curse out Encalion of Dunadan Rangers turn 41. At same time Corsairs my ally assassinates 2 of my characters. After lodging a protest my characters are revived and my White Wizard hostages are returned on turn 41.
Curse out Orophin of Sinda Elves turn 42.
Curse out Celeborn of Sinda Elves turn 42.
Assassinated Tathar of Sinda Elves turn 42.
Assassinated Aegnor of Sinda Elves turn 42.
My Emmies take 2715 Dol Guldor Silvan Elves capital with Dk. Lts present at the time on turn 43.
Curse out Wilyien of Sinda Elves turn 44.
Executed Urthel of White Wizard turn 44.
Executed Elfhelm of White Wizard turn 44.
Executed Deinala of Noldo Elves turn 44.
Executed Valacar of White Wizard turn 44.
Character Losses: Mine Killed 8, Enemies Killed 48

Grats bro.

I’m back schooling, I mean playing 2950 GB :wink:

Trying to drum up some interest in another one. I sent you an email about it a couple of weeks ago. Give me a shout sometime my # is in email.

Congratulations on your victory!

I picked up 4/9 on game turn 12 following a drop. Hope I provided a modicum of entertainment, I certainly enjoyed myself.

Brian Mason