Looking for players interested in playing a 2-nation 2950 gunboat game. Anyone? 12 players would fill a 2-nation game.
Got some more interest here so pushing it a little. So far 2 signed up.
This is what I had as comboes before and it seems to work okay.
2950 FP: 1/7 Woodmen/SouthGondor, 2/8 NorthMen/ Dwarves, 3/10 Riders/Noldo 4/9 Dunadan/ Sindar, 5/24 Silvan/White Wizard, 6/23 NorthGondor /Dunlendings
DS: 11/21 WitchKing/Corsairs, 12/25 DragonLord/Khand, 13/14 DogLord/ Cloud Lord, 15/16 Blind Sorcerer/ Ice King, 18/20 FireKing /DarkLieutenants, 17/19 Quiet Avenger/LongRider
Clint emailed that this game was up to 5/12 spots filled. Anyone else?
Players get to send a 30 word Diplo every 5 turns starting on T1. GM’s monitor the turns to check for unfair collaboration. Find out if your crazy ideas for a nation will work.
Yeah we’ve not had one run in a while and (3 years) which lasted a long time 32 turns, so if you’re also looking for a long game this is likely to be the best for you.
We are up to 8 out of 12 spots filled. Only 4 to go.
Now 1 slot left - any takers?