3 way Fourth Age?

After getting jumped by Neutrals in both my last two FA games, it occurred to me that it might be really fun to play FA as a contest between three allegiances instead of 2.

Teams could be 9 FP, 9 DS, and 7 neutrals including both Kingdoms.

Although the Neuts are down 2 positions, they have the advantages of the kingdoms, plus the foreknowledge of 2 of their teammates starting locations when choosing their own starting locations. ie they could choose to start nearby NK or SK for example.

Relations for all other allegiances could be set to disliked.

Would anybody be interested in playing in a 3-way FA game like this?

The three-way diplomacy could be very interesting.


I think it would be better to limit contact between the 3 allegiances in a 3 way FA game, this would ensure no “arrangements” are made between two allegiances to eliminate the third.

I would also remove all the starting maps from the North and South Kingdoms, as they are already easily comparable to 2 regular nations, in the first 15 turns anyhow.


there already have been such games, at least two, I know because I have played them - FA 47 and 48. I think Clint will have the setup data, so there is no need to design a new one.
alliances between two allegiances to attack the third are a legal concept, but can only be temporal and all sides will watch each other nervously - this adds a whole new level to diplomacy. if one party gets too powerful, it will be likely that the two others will ally. in game 47, I played neutral and we had a pact with the FP against the DS, mainly because the DS attacked a member of our team without warning. but then the FP grew strong, cancelled the pact and we sided with the remaining DS against them. It was too late to prevent them from winning but it shows how alliances can sway and add to the dynamics of the game.

double post

There’s been a few 3 way games. Not a big fan as a player as one allegiance gets toasted and the winner of that goes on to beat up the 3rd.

Clint (player)

I think that Mike Mulka’s regional concept (others before have done it as well) is quite cool and his team is looking for a match. As usual if there’s players out there I will support this but at present I don’t have any players wanting to play this format.

Clint (GM)

Yeah I would be a bit peeved to find that a few new buddies from the other 2 allegiances decided the world was a better place without me and my pals and coordinated to thump us out of existence before turn 10 in a 3 way game.

Originally posted by trodzo
[b]The three-way diplomacy could be very interesting.

Adam [/b]

Better than two-faced diplomacy then?

