We iz de Olog Hai Raiders, and we Trolls wantz to bring a new Dark Lord to Middle Earth. Wez likes Elves alot (but only az de Salad) and de Dwarves makes a very nice main course (but de beards get stuck in our teeth). We iz seeking allies in Middle Earth to bring Darkness back to de land and hope de neutral nations and de Kingdoms will like to talk wiz us. We haz gained new magic called email which our scribe Gavin (who has been useful so wez hasn’t eaten 'im yet) will reply. It’s magical symbols iz Gavken@btinternet.com.
Tanks fur de invitation. We will probably come and visit you at sum point and see yur wunderful land and take it iv we likes it. Dental floss iz in short supply az de Artichoke Elves get stuck in our teeth.
oh, just don’t forget to take a local guide with you. We wouldn’t be proper guests if you lost your commanders or troops if they end up in a deep ravine.
And we do have ample supply of them too, very deep ones.
Greetings, fellow lords, ladies, trolls, elves, dwarves, and other races of Middle Earth! The people of Middle Mirkwood greet you all in hopes of establishing peaceful relations, trade, and goodwill. We are the Thanesmen (nation 22), masters of the Middle Road – and Neutral, too. We welcome contact from all other nations in Middle Earth, though of course our closest neighbors are of the greatest immediate interest.
Messages will be received at DrakaraGM@aol.com – note that normally I do not visit this forum on anything remotely approaching a regular basis, but as I did not yet send out a diplo with contact information, I decided to break from my mold for a little while. Anyway, I may not answer further postings here, but as indicated I welcome direct email communication from all and sundry. (Hey Sverre, glad to meet you again!)
Dear Olog Hai Raiders,
I’m sorry to inform you that the annual harvest of artichokes has grown longer and more acuminate thorns.
They could prove to be a little bit indigestible to you…
Anyway, should you provide us your latest address, we would be able to deliver other very nice goods to you, in order to feed your hungry pets.
Our special home deliveries service is equipped with the fastest and sturdiest horses in the whole Arda, we’re pretty sure you’d even like to visit of their riders…
Looking forward to hear from you soon,
The Artichoke Elves are really happy to know that the beloved Olog Hai Raiders are willing to come to our lands to visit us and to try our special recipes!!
We would also like to invite you, and any other one interested, to a Special Pizza Party.
You’ll taste the fabolous Four Seasons Pizza, with the marvellous toppings of Artichokes, Black Olives, Ham and Mushrooms…
Unfortunately we’re a little short of Ham, so we’ll use Pork Chops instead…
Any one interested please ask for a table at mongo@libero.it
We are a very peaceful people and have no interest in war. We hope to get along with all the nations of this great land. Should the war come to our people we will defend ourselves and our lands to the last man. We will allow free passage to any and all nations provided permission is first requested. If a force enters our territory with out prior notice we will consider it a raider and attack it with great violence. We are a peaceful and trade based nation and look to do business with all. I hope to have great relations with my imediated neighbors and look forward to hearing about events in other realms
It’s wonderful to see Trolls and Elves getting along so well. I was afraid that my nation might inadvertently get caught up in some bitter dispute. I see now that there is little chance of that (sigh of relief)! I send greetings from The Heirs of Reason. We are (for the most part) a peace loving folk and consider ourselves, well…Reasonable! On behalf of our nation I cordially invite all nations to send communications or emissaries. We would like to get to know all of our neighbors better. Guests will be treated with all due respect as long as they abide by our laws. We are a fairly open minded people, but we do frown upon things like theft, assassinations, kidnappings… I’m sure you all get the picture. We look forward to your meeting your envoys. We have many local delicacies of our own, but none that include artichokes. Maybe the Elves would consider a ‘sample’ shipment? It could open up a whole new market!
Hello Heirs of Reason, it is nice to finnaly talk with you. I am your neighbor to the east. Have no worries the DS will stay clear of Mordor. We would rather you build a strong nation and join us in the inevetable return and supremacy of the Dark Lord Sauron! Living in the Holy Land will have great benefits for you but if you help the free, Sauron will be most disapointed and Id rather not go on some Holy Crusade with plenty of juicy elves around! I offer you info for now and later would like to work with you as a team. We cooridnate well as a team and would like you to be involved. You would be a great boon to our cause, for we are outnumberd here in the south. Most of our team is way up north. We have the KGB on the Sea of Rhun, the Land of Haines to the south of you, me to the east and ShadowFolk in the Mirkwood. Then theres the 2 freeps in N/S Harad, the Illuminators to the south of me and 3 more in N.Rhovanion,N.Rhun and Northern Wastes.
We know theres a Neutral to the North of you but im not sure who he is, I would like to speak to him aswell, do you talk with him?
I will keep all camps in the Khand area unless you wanted to give us a row of Mts.
Others will e-mail you but I will be giving you most of the updates and turn action. These will be truthful accounts, I may be evil but I hate missleading information.
Thats about it for now, you will be hearing from me soon!
If I could get your e-mail add. and any other neuts you might have that would be great!
Now now, lets not be selfish. orc whines
But daddddyyyy I don’t wanna shaaaare orc keeps on whining
Ahh, the pains of parenting orcs, they all want everything for themsleves and it falls on us to slap their hands. Not to talk about delusion of gandeur too, Sauron is over, dead, finished, kaput.
My dear Heirs of Reason representative; feel free to pick a camp or two in Khand, we are the sharing kind. My northern neighbour may not be around for long.
Iron Fist Clan is under new management.
I am nuetral and will remain so, unless of course attacked. ( for now )
I don’t have a clue who my neighbors are and would appriciate some intros.
I have characters in other nations popcenters. Why?
And generally I would consider it a favor if someone could fill me in on any world events that might be taking place that are of any interest.
For now My email address is john.lechner@us.army.mil
I will have a new one for this game soon, but don’t have time to set it up yet.
Good Luck to all.
I have characters in other nations popcenters. Why?
I think that is a very good question. Being you I think I would have asked myself the same question.
If any of your characters should happend to be at a Balrogian population center then I will recommend that they contact the closest tuiristoffice. Balrogia can offer our visiters attractions of many kinds. Like the place where Madham Fruitcakeloony got his first message. MFs birtplace. MFs grave. Not to forgett the cave where the Balrog (There is only ONE Balrog (so dont be fooled by the antibalrog!) and MF is his Messanger and the Balrogians are the Chosen People, but those being nice to the balrogians might be blessed by the Balrog too ) was seen first time.
No reasson to fool or sneak around when there are so many touristattractions that can be visited. All you have to do is to register at the closest touristoffice (or policeoffice if there are no suche thing at your location) and we will design a program especially for you.
Sverre, Minister of the Balrogian Tourist and Security Department
Worry not, I will stay as clear of your popcenters as I can without proper notice. I am not sure if Im tired or just not that bright, but reading about your tourist attractions confused me so much that just the tought of seeing your cities is going to give me a headache. I am going to go get a beer and a smoke, and revel in the thought that I don’t have any characters in your popcenters.
Gladian, Lord King of the nation of the Iron Fist Clan has decided to notify all nations of middle earth that we the people of the IFC shall fight for the Free People against the Servants of the Dark.
No flowery speaches, sympathetic remarks, or explanations shall be made.
Know only this. War is declaired and I will see you on the field of battle.
Congrats. You are managing to win a game that has both kingdoms going the same way as well as most of the other neutrals. It’s like 16 on 9. Wow, what an accomplishment. Everyone on the FP should be very proud. Shame on the neutrals for allowing this lopsided split to happen.