Greetings to all of Middle Earth,
The Dark Servants have discussed diplomatic options with the neutral team, and we are afraid that we will not be pursuing the diplomatic route. This is partly because we feel that we may not be able to trust them, partly because we want to attempt to secure territory behind our lines, and partly because we’re just looking to have fun this game, regardless of the consequences. It’s only a game, after all, and there are worse things that can happen in life than being the first allegiance eliminated from a 4th Age game.
We are looking for a good, overall competitive game. We have proposed options to the FP of a true 3-way game, with all three factions fighting it out on their appropriate battle fronts. We are awaiting their reply.
If a true 3-way game does not materialize, we would welcome the challenge of a 13 vs. 8 scenario (but we’d prefer more balance), and we would appreciate it if at least some of the independent neutrals would give us a “fighting chance,” under such conditions. If you want to make it a full 17 vs. 8 temporary alliance, so be it, but we’d hope that all of you are looking for more of a challenge than that.
Obviously, we’d like to continue courting independent neutrals to join our allegiance, as well. As independent neutrals, you have three options for victory, and our team is one of them. If this game does at some point end up with only two factions, your nations could easily balance the game or tip the scales very far in one direction. We have no intentions of any attacks on independent neutrals, and we would like to continue discussions with them. If we are attacked by independent neutrals, however, we will strike back, but we would much prefer to work with them than go to war with them.
Diplomacy is extremely complex in a game of this particular format, and perhaps the level of diplomacy required in this game is beyond our skill. We are not giving up on diplomacy completely, however, as we would welcome a true 3-way game. Everyone has different goals in a game of this nature, and the personalities of the members of the DS team have led us war in the early game. We do not, however, want to be considered untrustworthy, so we thought it would be wise to explain our position.
Things may have been different had previous events not led us to determine who was on the neutral team at the beginning. Neutrality is a murky concept in this particular game, and we feel that our hostilities are being directed at an enemy nation, not a neutral nation. We only consider the four independent neutrals to be non-enemy neutral nations at this point.
Therefore, we suggest that we move on with the game and see what happens from here,
Pinnaless Ear