I always have a 60 emmy at game start and usually have 4 or 5 emisaries at game start. This means that 3-4 emissaries do a 520 order and the 60E does the 550. It usually works for me turn 1. To do this effectively you really need to be a human nation as the race bonus is essential now.
There was an irritating bug that caused me to have two market manipulation orders not to work early on in MeoW. If anyone is playing with these orders in future it is worth adding a note to the email stating that you have put in the order to the GM so that they can check it has uploaded correctly. Some of our buy / sells would have been so much more effective if this had worked as planned.
Hopefully I can add my 2 cents without becoming high and mighty. :rolleyes:
Besides, making a prediction and calmly proving how it came true only seems high and mighty from a lower perspective.
Bakta, we have come close to being banned from the forum and yet you continue to make personal insult. What gives?
The fact that I can call you by name and you hide behind innuendo says tons about each person’s character or lack therof. Besides it is the elitist attitude and not one’s race that makes you lucky an ocean separates us. Some of your ways can ONLY be tolerated in cyber space where canaries can pose as alligators. I believe you realize this and that is why you continue your abrasive ways.
I made many individual mistakes, first by losing my cool to false accusations by players and non-players alike. Second by allowing Wisigoths smart aleck and disrespectful mouth effect my diplomacy with others.
But after reading everyones 2 cents I see that reality is slanted from everyone’s perspective. No one had the ‘big picture’ regardless of conflicting claims.
One should not judge a book by one chapter either.
This was not a ‘3-way’. It was nothing but a regular fourth age game with a set of neutrals acting whithin the realm of normal Fourth Age rules.
The only common thing I saw in this game and in others is the paranoia and lack of ways to deal with the neutral element seems to cause problems with some. Time after time I watch others overreact and cry the sky is falling for every neutral plot that arises.
Usually I can use the opponents dislike for myself as an advantage while my allies get a much needed reprieve but yet even this was foiled.
I also have a bad taste after this game but I must blame the personal conflicts and not the game or any team itself for this. I made a hugely dumb mistake and allowed myself to go bankrupt. This only made the Wisigoths heroic conquest of an eliminated nation easier. Yes my elitist nemesis, you were fighting a ‘dead’ nation before your troops ever even arrived.
Claiming to ‘never want to play again’ is a shame. It is the numerous variables that make 4th Age so enjoyable for me, but I admit to each his own pleasures.
Now Mr. Courageous…it is time for your ever endearing and mature game of last word.
I have said all I wish to say.