4th Age Grudge Game

Looking for Dark Servant opponents for a 4th Age, LAS, 12 vs. 12 Grudge Game. We’d like to use a Regional Selection Draft to determine general starting locations, as spelled out below.


Team A and B (basically who picks when) is decided either by mutual agreement, or randomly by MeGames, if both teams want one or the other.

  • Map is located at my .website, under MePBM Regional Map, and is also attached to this posting.
  • Exclusive Regions (XR): ONE side can place up to 2 nations here.
  • Contested Regions (CR): Each side can place up to ONE nation here.
  1. Team A picks one of the Kingdoms.
  2. Team B gets the other Kingdom and picks 1st XR
  3. Team A picks 1st XR
  4. Team B picks 2nd XR
  5. Team A picks 2nd XR
  6. Team B picks 3rd XR
  7. Team A picks 3rd XR
  8. Team B picks 4th XR
  9. Team A picks 4th XR

All other regions are considered CR’s.


Each player must still submit the standard THREE choices for nation location placement, but all three choices must be in the same region. (10 hex limit is ignored, but >3 hexes between different nations’ capitals is still enforced.)

You must place ALL your starting PCs anywhere within your selected region, subject to the normal capital proximity rules. (No crossing borders.)
Note that for CR’s, you can be bounced by an enemy in your region. For CR’s and XR’s, you could be bounced by an enemy in an adjacent region if you both attempted to place your capital within 2 hexes of a regional border. (That’s why the 3 choices, even for an XR.)

In the event that all three of your choices are not valid, MeGames contacts you for another starting location.

If your team has questions, suggestions, or ideas, we’d be happy to discuss them.

Mike Mulka