4th age victory conditions

With the new rule book, I could not find where to learn which victory condition is which number. Are they listed in order? Could someone post it?


  1. is the termination of at least 10 characters
  2. is the Aquisition of at least 10 additional artefacts
  3. is the holding of a particular pop centre at game end
  4. is the Hoarding of Mithril
  5. is the Hoarding of the most artefacts
  6. is the holding of a particular artefact
  7. is the termination of a particular character


They are on page 7-8 btw


The online rule book does not have a page 7-8 that I could find. They are listed under misc, but not numbered (looks lke they are described in order).

I could not find them in the PDf for the 100 set-up.

Thanks for the info however!

See ya,

No problem - I have the physical 4th Age rulebook so was able to look them up.
