Can anyone point me at math to work out how much gold to recruit a character from a bankrupt nation?
I notice the Bribery calculator on the Automagic tool but there’s no explanation of how to assess target character level i.e. is it all his character ranks added together; just his major rank; do artifact bonuses or stealth count towards total?
The first thing from my expierence emmy skill is Huge. I recomend a 60+. But most importantly to have any chance at all you must not be at your max character limit or it will fail everytime.
I remember one game we needed to bribe Murazor after the WK had gone bang, we tried a few times with 70+ rank ems and 5k and eventually got him with a 100+ rank em and 10-20k as I recall
The difference in rank between the two influences the gold as well as the randomness inherent in all game actions. Use your best emii and work on the combined skill ranks of the target. If excellent emii ordinary target offer 5K, if excellent emii, great target, get out your cheque book, you gonna need it. Crap emii, great target- you’ll never own enough gold to get him/her.
I’ve never seen a good character come cheap