51 One Week

When did your 1st offensive start? Or is that another lie for the Southern Neutrals?

Captain Super is having a hard time and not posting
Veo has dropped the game?
BaaBaaRox boasts about the next offensive when there hasn’t been a DS attack so far!

Who else is on the DS team? :rolleyes:

There will be an offensive and it will not be to your liking I’m afraid. Contrary to your statement I am not having a hard time I am in fact doing quite well. The first ten turns usually go the way of the Freeps because they can out recruit. I seriously doubt that in the 11 to 20 turns there after it will be the same.
Continue to boast! You only have a small window of time in which to do it.

I haven’t dropped a game in a long time. You will die and I will enjoy it. You will cry and I will revel in the praise and salutations of my allies. You will whine and point fingers and cast blame outside yourselves, I will dine on the sweet success salad dressed in your blood.


My liking? Or someone else on my team?

A 4-1 split of the neutrals might save you I guess.:fork:

Does it really matter who on your team? The point is we will enslave your people and conquer all of your lands. Nuff said!

Still pointing fingers. Neutrals! Neutrals! Neutrals! Wahhhh!! MEPBM 101 Lesson 1.

Hey BaaBaa, like a lamb to the slaughter. Thanks for moving the troops out of 2005 for me. Here I was thinking I would have to fight for the place with most of my troops. That little seed army isn’t going to put up much resistance!!:bash: You will be down to 3 pops in the NW at the end of this turn. Rhu is a little worse off he will only have 2. (Camps don’t count!) :stuck_out_tongue:

Pops burning in Mordor, DolG prettied up just in time to be sacked, Ithil still Freep. My my DS get your skates on, or are you expecting others to bail you out of this prediciment? :wink:

Regards Herman

P.S I have to do the crowing now it should all start to go downhill from here as the DS agents come online! :frowning:

We hail you wise one… your prophecies will come true and we will salute your foresight. And join you in the salad-eating. :smiley:

There is a master plan… you are part of it, and playing your part perfectly. Keep it up, farm boy :wink:

Your not gonna pull a Jonestown Massacre on us r u?:eek: :smiley:

Suicide or Genocide?

Seems like Genocide is happening inside mordor… Unless you guys pull a rabbit out of your hat those agents have more targets inside Mordor than you have killers to stop all the possible moves. :bash:

Master plan? What you want us to take all your pops to illicit some sympathy from the remaining neutrals. :smiley:

Regards Herman

Yeah sure! The “plan” probabbly include new to now unknown superweapons ,some luck and Santa Claus :rolleyes:




Hey Herman… looks like that “little seed army” was big enough after all. And as for your prediction that I would already be down to 3 pops in the NW… well next turn I will be up to 6.

Better luck next time :slight_smile:

Its SO nice to see that you are able to enjoy the few sucessess you have. I belewe many could have something to learn from you. Keep going! Good luck! (You could surtenly need it!) Dont give up. Remember soon will the “Great Master Plan” save you! Your Leader has sayd so and then it MUST be true. Right! :smiley:


PS. Tine, I am afraid that I havent treated you like a gentleman should treat a Lady :frowning: I havent much to say to my escuse … except … It has been very funny for ME :smiley: …and really, I havent been worser to you than to the other DS. Have I? :smiley:

No the seed army did nothing, that bloody great big Wrym however was another thing altogether. :eek:

LOL I said camps don’t count, that gives you 4 of which 1 is an upgraded village. Two turns from now it will be 3 as 2006 will fall and there is nothing you can do about it. All that agent support you would normally expect is running around inside Mordor trying to stop all those unprotected towns from being burnt to the ground. Hang on you had better make that count 2 as the Stumpers will come down off 2004 and take 2005 as well. :bash:
As for the army comming to me, why are you throwig away your defenses? I already have a back up MT and will have a second this turn and a third next turn. No you won’t be knocking me out of the game that easily.

Regards Herman

hi to all free in the east,’

you betrayed me and now you shall fall…
the cowardly northmen will feel the horse approach and will soil their loins…
the easterlings have risen and will crush the northmen and Eothriam cowards!!!

At least this DS group didn’t ambush a neutral on turn 3 prior to contact…you are a smug group of submales who will feel the burn sooner rather than later…

keep lying to yourselves

easterlings game 51:mad: :stab:

Are you for real? Either your taking the pi$$ or haven’t got much of a clue! :eek:
Refusing to reply to diplo’s apart from one 4 word message, without a return email address? “What do you offer?” is hardly good communication, you got what you deserved, you are suffering for your stupidness, blame yourself, no-one else.

"you betrayed me and now you shall fall…
the cowardly northmen will feel the horse approach and will soil their loins… "

We betrayed no-one, your silence sealed your fate. If your only sending one horse, then you will fail. Tell me your joking right!

i am new…the dark and i only started to talk the turn you attacked me…i got some emails confused and the next thing i know your attacking me…but lets not look to the past…what is done is long gone.

i forgive by spilling blood, its cool. no hard feelings bro. i am here to have fun; so grab your ankles and call me the easter bunny, its going to be a long war.

take care chief,


ps do your prefer scented or non-scented lotion?:stab: