51 One Week

Rhudaur can be contacted at blchezluis@aol.com. He should be more talkative now.

Greetings and Salutations to the Rhudaur!

We, the free wish to converse with you at your earliest convenience. :hug:


Noldo 51

I have been given a different contact for Rhu? had an e-mail after sending a diplo but no mention of the Diplo? Would the real Rhu please stand up! :cool:

Regards Herman

Unless he changed his email address, he asked me to post it on the forums.

Could the Easterling player get in touch with me at his earliest conveniance.:hug: Thanks

Game 51

Well Easterlings, it’s pretty simple I think. If you don’t want this Griffy-Noldo guy to hug you, go DS. If you do want the hugs, well, see a couple posts above - he’s also hugging Rhudaur! Obviously, you need to go DS and get your revenge on that two-timer!


Long Rider

A hug is a great gift - one size fits all, and it’s easy to exchange :wink:

I don’t discriminate - I’m an equal-opportunity hugger :hug:

Interesting times…what next for the banker!? :eek:

Have the DS gone quiet?

This game is getting interesting. Neutrals starting to make decisions. Nations now under threat. Oh what fun, and its nearly Christmas too! :slight_smile:

Griffy, you are right. Very interesting… The EO has certainly has had us guessing… but perhaps he has you guessing too ? :slight_smile:

Nope, we are co-ordinated and doing ok thanks :wink:

Go Away Mr. Nasty BaaBaaRocks-a-Zor! We just awnt peace and tranquility, leave our dusty holes alone! Big meany, killing the king of Zarak Dum and all–we were just on Patrol, honest!

What an Honor to have so much attention in Rhun… How could I ever repay my old friends who have come out to greet me and say Hello why they ride on their strange mounts…
You must know I had my men Polish thier armor and sharpen their swords expecting your greetings… But since we are meeting in the Plains and duty calls I shall Salute and rush towards you at Full speed and pray we can lift our lances in time… Then again maybe Not?

Hehe ! I missed that in the combat report. But frankly your king is so stumpy, I missed him on the battle field too :slight_smile:

Still, with your heroic name, I feel sure that you will come-avenging. So let me just say: Sauron made me do it ! Target Sauron, not poor Murazor :smiley:

An interesting turn indeed!

The Rhudhar move onto Rivendell, do they wish to make peace or war? Brian cannot pretend to think its an empty hex to camp! :eek: :omg:
Easterlings look weak, they will suffer. :stab: :slap:
The Dog Lord must be a little disapointed this turn, but not as much as the Blind idiot magic men :rolleyes:
That is all for now, more news as it comes in…

Winter is coming, wrap up warm!

HA! Mr Rox-a-zor needs to work on his scary face! The folks at Zarak Dum were obviously more angry than frightened. SHould have sent Asdurbuk Zalg, now that is one scary Orc…

A face only a mother could love!

Not even she does… :frowning:

The Freeps are attacking the Neutrals without provocation. Interesting! Not the move I would have made but then I am not playing the on the good side. I wonder what message this sends to the other Neutrals? Hmmmmm…