6th Marine Division vs Lewis Morton Grudge

Good luck guys! :slight_smile:

Eothraim player here. Go FP! Burn DS Burn!

They probably know us better by team “Bernie” :)… Sinda checking in. Good luck everyone.

Kinda think 6th Marine Div sounds more kick arse… Sorry Bernie :stuck_out_tongue:

hehe That’s fine! I’m just waiting for the questions as to how a World War II US Marine division fits into a Middle Earth roleplaying environment. :smiley:

Looking forward to a good scrap with our DS opponents!


I thought we were DS, now I have to change everything around, :slight_smile:

There were only five Marine Divisions in WW II. So, things are still safely fantasy.


The 6th Marine Division of the United States Marine Corps was a short-lived unit created during World War II for the Battle of Okinawa and a planned invasion of the Japanese home islands. The 6th Marine Division was in existence for only 19 months and was the only Marine division to be formed and disbanded overseas, never to see service in the United States.

The 1st Provisional Marine Brigade was formed in May 1944, comprising the new 4th Marines and the 22nd Marines, under the command of BGen Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr… It fought in the Battle of Guam in July and August.

The division was formed on 7 September 1944 on Guadalcanal, by expanding the brigade. The new 29th Marines was added to the division, and the artillery components of the three regiments were reorganized as the 15th Marines.

After training on Guadalcanal, the division fought in the Battle of Okinawa, landing on 1 April 1945 as part of III Amphibious Corps.

In July, the division was withdrawn to Guam to prepare for Operation Coronet, the invasion of Honshu planned for April, 1946. After the Japanese surrendered in August, the 6th Division was sent to Tsingtao, China to accept the surrender of the Japanese forces in that area—less the 4th Marines, which was detached and sent to Tokyo to participate in the formal surrender there. The division remained in China until it was disbanded in April, 1946.


Did you get that out of a book??? :slight_smile:

No made it up… Only kidding

Our 6MD site has a history of the division available as well although I suspect HMC got that from another source. Still accurate though. :slight_smile:

Ironically enough, we formed the 6MD gaming community in anticipation of a Pacific Theater in the World War II Online massive multiplayer game. Of course that theater has yet to be created…the Europe slugfest is going to go on forever apparently. :rolleyes: Anyhow, we now play a number of games so it’s all good. Glad to have our new Middle Earth players with us.


Guy, I’m impressed.

I read it, :slight_smile:

Where’s the enemy players?? C’mon, come out and play!

Besides Lewis Morton who the heck are we playing? These guys are tooooo
loud for my liking!

I log in only occaisionally and this is the first time I’ve seen this thread! One of our team has time restrictions, commonly known as a wife and two others I don’t believe have ever logged on to the forum so you will have to make do with my periodic ramblings. I got a comment or two yesterday about buyouts, I think you may have worried one or two by buying out mounts. Buying at 13 and able to sell at 13 don’t worry me greatly and even then you only bought just over 600, one of us bought almost the entire market turn 3 and enough leather to equip it all. Buying bronze at 2 and selling it for 6 was possibly a little more successful. You had one major stroke of luck when a 50 mage failed to learn an average spell, it would have meant the end of Ohtar a turn earlier but then our Dragon Lord would have known where Duran was, we’re now stuck with having to cast a locate character to find him, all that stealth. Once we find him we’ll have to get the Bracers of the Mist onto a Cloud Lord agent. A real lack of stealth bonuses has hindered him so far. Sinda aint having such a good game so far, we may have to leave him alone for a while (in his dreams). Nearly drove our Long Rider mad having to sit back and wait for the Eothraim to turn up. Couple of turns we had Din Ohtar in place to take them out at 3921, odd characters making recons or divine nation forces spells being cast to get commander names. We got there in the end with the Long Rider’s cavalry as insurance, now we just have to figure out where Din Ohtar and friends are off to next, Shrel Kain perhaps, Eoder’s time is nigh.

Khamul, not playing the Dragon Lord for once

Its a hard job being the DS? Sure, right! The NM is looking the strongest
I’ve seen in awhile thanks to the most defensive LR play I’ve seen for stonking
years. WK and DrL are in deep trouble and the Dog offensive is getting bogged
down… But you got me, you’ve got us trembling in our aprons in the pass.

You threw everthing at the Sinda and were defeated; does that tell you
something? :stuck_out_tongue: Give my kind regards to the QA, hold that I’ll pass it on
to Adunababe personally. :smiley:

The noose tightens… The CL heading for the Eo-Plex was a very poorly
held secret. They won’t get far and its time to put our killers now into the