Transfer Command - when the command is of a Company and there are members from other nations… Do they all Transfer also…?
CompanyCommander is from nation A, issuing transfer command to another character, also of nation A. Does nation B’s characters, already in the company, transfer also…? Never done such a thing before…
Characters of nations other than the co cmdr’s will not transfer. While the old paper GSI rulebook implies they will, the MEG Guidebook clearly states they will not.
The Rulebook contains errors, ommissions and ambiguities. These are deliberate. I have explained why in two mini-articles on the List. “Game Construction and Design” and “ME Naval Movement and Combat.” I can look up their dates if anyone is interested.
The old GSI Rulebook did, indeed. But you only had to leave behind a company member once to figure it out though. The new MEG electronic version Guidebook clears up many of those things that were ambigious, or dare I say wrong, from the old paper GSI Rulebook.
Interesting. I have never bothered to review the electronic version.
After seven revisions, what was in (or out) of the Rulebook was in (or out) because Stassun and Feilds wanted them in (or out). A lot of people, apparently includeing our esteemed GM, must have difficulty with non-linear thinking.