Any interest in a 3 team battle in 1650 lands, 8 nations each?
I’ve removed the Cloud Lord simply because they stand out as more unique than any other nation, frankly. The argument can be made that it’s balanced, but when you play with the set up, you get screwy things happening, so the single most unbalancing SNA I’ve removed here.
Wade and I having a lot of fun discussing various nation combos. Draft possibilities, carefully select teams based on SNA’s (mage nation 1 here, 2 there, etc, now share out the Agent SNA’s, etc).
Attached is an excel with nation information on it including a pivot table summary. Simply divide up the nations in the Alleg? column and then refresh the pivot table to see how the summary works out. Of course, Geography can play a huge role… Put the Northmen, Eothraim, Easterlings in different allegiances and, well, the poor Northmen…(unless he’s allied with the Long Rider…?) It can get whacky.
I assume you mean a true third allegience and not 8 neutrals who can declare – if so, has no appeal to me at all. Whether Risk or MEPBM, 3 players or sides almost always becomes a 2 on 1 at the outset, then who of the two backstabs whom to become the one.
halex - whatever team’s I left on the excel were just that particular rendition in time. I’ve put an Eastern/Mordor group vs an Inland group, vs a SeaFarers team (Noldo, Cardolan, Sinda, SG, Harad, Corsairs, etc…) that was pretty interesting. But the point of the excel is to enter in whatever allegiance next to each nation simply to compare some data - far from the only important stuff, and potentially meaningless.
So pick your own 8’s…! What do you think would work?
If you want to do this, I think a draft would be excellent. Perhaps a blind draft - have each faction rank the nations 1-24 in order of preference, then have HQ use the lists to do the assignments (e.g. nation A gets its top pick, nation B gets it’s top remaining pick, etc). A snake draft is a nice way to do this (A, B, C, C, B, A, A, B, C, etc).
I personally think the more randomness / scattering within the factions, the better. Let local circumstances dictate who gets dogpiled, instead of having 3 solid power blocks in a mexican standoff.
Gixxxer, I already have 5 guys waiting to play neutrals together, but it couldn’t be something to announce. I have the whole first 10 turns plotted also. But after the neutrals attack one side, then switch, can you imagine the screaming that would result? I highly doubt Clint would allow it - but it would certainly be hilarious!
Well the scenerio doesn’t work for me… But would be fun with the 5 and me aligned with a nuetral getting my goad and attacking them… Just to see how many teamates explode over my notorious act of violence! but since I have already done that… Now if i diplo nuetrals I have to give my word I not planning on attacking them!