How does this order work?
If orders happen in chronological order, then does this mean that you have to guess the name and identity of a commander within 2 hexes after mouvment is resolved? Seems awefully hard…
Or does this order allow you to follow an army commander within 2 hexes distance at the beginning of the turn? (in this case 905 would happen in effect BEFORE 8xx army mouvments?)
I assume B, otherwise you cannot choose the option to follow an army moving after it has moved! (Unless you automatically follow it the following turn, kind of giving you a free movement order like joining the ennemy army…)
A subsidiary question:
If you follow an army that you start 2 hexes distant from,
a) do you end up in the same final hex as the army or
b) are you still tracking it at two hexes distant?
If a) then this is a pretty powerful order!
This is the only non-magical case where a character can move more than 12 hexes. Do this with an allied army and you catch the train to the next battle site, wherever it may be.
Is there an experienced player in the game you are in? He can probably answere these questions. Good luck.
Your first question is answered in the Rulebook, in the description of Order #905: “…if within 2 hexes at turn start or turn end…”
As for your second question, it is not answered directly in the rulebook that I’m aware of, but if you choose “Yes” to follow the army, you will end up in the same hex as the army at the end of the turn.
From the rule book:
The Character will attempt to pick up the Army’s trail, if within 2 hexes at turn start or turn end.
So your answer. Both A and B.
Though for B, 905 doesn’t happen before the 8xx order, your agent just runs up and goes, “hmm judgeing by these 2000 footprints I think the army went this way!”
Basically, you can use the order by A or by B, whichever you need at the time.
As 88 Noldo said, you can have your character move 12 hexes with this order. It is very handy some times.
Answer to your A subsidary question: a) you end up in the same hex.
All is clear now thank you.
A very useful order indeed.